Most Successful Marketing Strategies to Generate Sales

Most Successful Marketing Strategies to Generate Sales

What are some of the most successful marketing strategies that you have used to generate liquidation sales? I’m so stuck and my boss has me feeling some type of way as if hiring me was a mistake. I want to excel, I know I am great at recruiting potential customers, and my customer service skills are pretty good, too. I …

Communications in Sales: Key Strategies You Need to Know

Communications in Sales: Key Strategies You Need to Know

Sales is a dynamic career, and sales professionals require extensive skills to be successful. One of your fundamental skill sets must be communications. Knowing how to connect with your (potential) clients is vital to building your relationship and, yes, making the sale. After all, how can you expect a yes if your audience doesn’t understand what you’re saying? Learning how …

90 Want, 10 Need

90% Want, 10% Need – Learn the Rule That Will Unlock Your Sales!

What is a successful sale? How do you increase your success rate? It’s all about matching your solution to a customer’s need, providing something they lack, or fulfilling a desire or want. As you work through the discovery process, you are identifying buyer motivation. The prospects with a need are actively seeking suppliers with the product or service that meets …

4 Communication Fundamentals that Unlock Sales Success

4 Communication Fundamentals that Unlock Sales Success

Sales isn’t just the art of convincing people to buy the product or service you’re selling. In fact, the foundation of sales lies in quality communication: You must learn to actively listen so you understand what your customer wants and needs. But this is easier said than done. Luckily, we got some key tips to improve your communication fundamentals. In …

Show Me the Money: How to Collect Past-Due Payments

Show Me the Money: How to Collect Past-Due Payments

We’ve all been there: A customer has missed a payment or fallen behind in their account. While prevention is the best medicine, here we are, and we need resolution. How can we help our accounts payable team and receive remittance? When our client is resistant to paying the invoice, how do we respond? The following steps will help you collect …

What is the Retail Sales Apocalypse & Why is it Overrated?

What is the Retail Sales Apocalypse & Why is it Overrated?

Lately, you can’t escape discussions about how artificial intelligence – AI – will inevitably disrupt and even end retail sales. We’re already seeing the rise of self-checkout stands at grocery stores, and chatbots are an increasingly common part of online purchasing experiences. Are we on the verge of a retail sales apocalypse? We spoke to Patrick Carter, a sales leader …

Client Motivations

Client Motivations: How to Gain Understanding and Drive Results

Are you struggling in sales? Are you looking to increase your closing rate? To succeed in sales, it’s vital that you know who you’re selling to. How well do you understand your clients? How well do you understand buyer motivation? Make sure you know what your client wants (what they really, really want) before you make your sales pitch. Thinking …

Top Tips to Improve Internal Communication and Sales Engagement

4 Tips to Improve Internal Communication & Engagement

Acquiring the skill to effectively communicate with your internal team is a juggernaut for sale success. Every sales woman, including the one-woman consultant, works with a diverse group of individuals to accomplish desired client outcomes. How you interact with this village will help or hinder your sales efforts. In sales, we are so focused on our client relationships and communication …

Proven Remarkable Tips to Increase Returned Calls

Proven Remarkable Tips to Increase Returned Calls

I’m struggling to receive returned calls. I follow up over and over. Calls, emails, and inmail on LinkedIn – nothing works. What am I missing? How do I get a call back? – Johanna in Brandon, Manitoba Answer: How do sales people improve the likelihood of receiving a returned call from their prospects? This is the million-dollar question. Seasoned professionals, …

Spice Up Your Content Mix

Spicy Content: How to Keep Your Clients’ Interest

We have all developed standard messaging, processes, and steps to pursue and close sales. Even so, it’s vital that we take a step back every 10 weeks or so to re-tool and re-frame. Reconsider the content you’re sending out, the look and feel of the message, the methods of communication delivery, the ease for interaction with our clients and prospects, …

How to Create Lasting Value for Client-Vendor Relationships

How to Create Lasting Value for Client-Vendor Relationships

Whether you work in sales directly or work with sales, you may wonder how you can work more effectively with procurement and provide long-term value in your client-vendor relationships. Kendall Cowdrey, a senior procurement facilitator at a Fortune 500 organization, knows a thing or two about developing lasting relationships. She offers expert advice in our new podcast interview. Kendall explains …

Women Should Pursue Sales Training career skills

Women, This is the Secret to Gain Valuable Career Skills

Here’s the secret to advancing your profession and learning invaluable career skills: sales training. Sales training teaches women key attributes needed to overcome obstacles and achieve our objectives. It’s a game changer, even for those who aren’t in a sales position. Core sales training covers conflict, negotiation, relationships, presentation, persuasion, and the ask. Each of these are foundational building blocks …

Winning Sales Strategy and Tactics in a #MeToo World

Winning Sales Strategy and Tactics in a #MeToo World

Lynn, how have sales changed with #MeToo? What should I do differently?  – Aimee in Owings Mills, Maryland Answer: Best practices for sales professionals have not changed with #MeToo. Sales is about serving your customers in an ethical and responsible way, and there is no room for inappropriate and egregious behavior in a sales person’s repertoire. Successful sales people build …