Networking Today - How to Spark, Shine & Connect

Networking Today – How to Spark, Shine & Connect

Love it or hate it, networking is a major part of a successful sales career. How can you make the most of these opportunities to meet and connect with other professionals? Take the time to shine! In this episode of Get More Clients, Superstar Sales Consultant Lynn Whitbeck shares why employing consistent strategies are vital for networking effectively in today’s …

Bootstrapping Your Business - How to Get Started with No Money Upfront

Bootstrapping Your Business: How to Get Started with No Money Upfront

Starting a business can be a daunting task, especially when you don’t have enough to invest in your vision. However, with the right mindset, strategies, and creativity, it is possible to turn your idea into a successful business venture without breaking the bank. In this article, we’ll explore some practical tips and strategies for starting a business on a shoestring …

Why Greed Slays Your Growth... and What's the Better Way to Success - Ryan Harbinson

Why Greed Slays Your Growth… and What’s the Better Way to Success

What’s the #1 way to stall business growth and repel people from working with you? Greed. People can tell when your motives don’t align with their values, and that can limit your success. A much better way to building momentum and success might seem counterintuitive, but it’s true. Patience is the true virtue here, and it will have positive impacts …

5 Tips to Enhance Your Marketing Strategy as a Senior Entrepreneur

5 Tips to Enhance Your Marketing Strategy as a Senior Entrepreneur

When you retired, you realized that you had the opportunity to chase passions that you had never had the time to focus on while you were working full-time. Perhaps this realization led you to pursue entrepreneurship and open your own small business! Working with the top sales experts at Petite2Queen can help you drive more revenue, and in the meantime, …

Attending Conferences

Top 10 Tips for Sales Traction When Attending a Conference

How do you get the most out of conference attendance? Along with making genuine connections, what actionable commitments will build momentum? What are the key takeaways to gain traction and move the sales process forward? To accomplish all of these things, you need a strategy and planned tactics before you attend the conference. The following tips will lay the foundation …

Superficial Networking

How to Trade Superficial Networking for Real Connections

I feel like the networking events I go to are superficial. People swap business cards and never hear from one another. What am I missing? How can I get past the superficial networking and make valuable connections? – Melissa in Davenport, Iowa  Answer: When you hold a preconceived notion about a situation, it’s far more likely to be fulfilled. You’ve …

Help the World

How Do You Help the World?

This past month, as I was preparing for an all-day event, I made the time to revisit my elevator pitch and overall approach. We all need to reassess our messaging on a regular basis. Things change and it’s important for us to pivot, not only to remain pertinent, but to freshen our personal brand. What is new and how can …

How to Break Out of Your Shell and Network Like a Pro

How to Break Out of Your Shell and Network Like a Pro

Learning to network can be overwhelming. Being shy can make this professional endeavor especially challenging. Just walking up to someone and introducing yourself might seem tough for you, but we’re here to help! As with all things, the key to getting better is through practice, practice, practice. Introduce yourself to your barista, the IT woman at your company, and members …

Mind = Blown: Networking and Its Paradox

Mind = Blown: Networking and Its Paradox

Networking can sometimes feel like one of those buzzwords in business. Everyone throws them around, but what do they actually mean? Do they really do any good? Of course, you’ve surely heard about the basics of networking. However, maintaining the relationships you form is far more important than trading business cards. How do you properly cultivate your professional network garden? …

Secret of Getting Ahead is Getting Started

The Secret of Getting Ahead is Getting Started

Mark Twain has widely been attributed as saying that “the secret of getting ahead is getting started.” His words ring as true now as they did a hundred years ago: If you want to reach your destination, you have to take that first step in the right direction. While this is true across all aspects of life, it’s especially important …

networking your way to the top

Ch. 7: Networking Your Way to the Top

We just published our first book, Practical Wisdoms @ Work! Each chapter addresses the knowledge and skills you need to excel in your career. But if you want to go one step further, we have some bonus content you’ll love: Playlists for each chapter! Our 14 playlists focus on the themes specific to each chapter. They bring the concepts to …