3 Magic Keys for Your Brand - Marketing, Motivation, and Mentoring - Beth Hendricks

3 Magic Keys for Your Brand: Marketing, Motivation, and Mentoring

When developing your brand, there are three magic keys you need to consider: marketing, motivation, and mentoring. How do these apply to your brand? How can you infuse your branding with all three? We spoke with Beth Hendricks on these powerful elements and how to communicate them in all aspects of your business. Watch our podcast with Beth Hendricks to …

Preparing for a Future in Marketing: Steps to Help You Along the Way

Preparing for a Future in Marketing: Steps to Help You Along the Way

Technology has drastically transformed the way we consume things. It has undoubtedly transformed how companies present themselves. Businesses are utilizing technology to help them market their company. With a successful marketing campaign led by an experienced marketer, a company can reap great benefits. Companies are beginning to see the advantage of an experienced marketing person in their business. The demand …

7 Tips to Improve Your Sales Pitch In 2022

7 Tips to Improve Your Sales Pitch In 2022

The marketing world is evolving at a rapid pace. Every day brings new trends. Discontinuation of the traditional advertisement or marketing methods is the hallmark of customer preferences changes. 2022 – a comeback year after two years of the pandemic – is all about innovation, according to career counselling Melbourne. The bar is high, and you need to bring your …

5 Most Effective Sales Strategies You Can Apply In Your Advertising Campaign

5 Most Effective Sales Strategies You Can Apply in Your Advertising Campaign

If you’re a business owner, there are likely many challenges you may be facing. Your daily challenge will be trying to find out ways you can get more sales and customers. Advertising is an excellent option as it allows you to spread the word about your businesses to a higher audience. But how can you attract customers through your advertising …

Niche and Pitch: How to Zero in on Your Ideal Client

Niche and Pitch: How to Zero in on Your Ideal Client

In order to sell effectively, you must first know your target audience. However, for many, determining just who that is can prove to be challenging. The hardest part for most is in narrowing it down to a fairly specific niche. We instinctively want to sell to as many people as possible, meaning our marketing becomes too broad. But if you’re …

Why a Strong Brand is Important for Your Small Business & How to Create One

Why a Strong Brand is Important for Your Small Business & How to Create One

You might have heard that ancient quip: “What’s in a name?” A lot, actually, as anyone would testify. The same holds true for a brand. After all, a brand is a name that you create for your line of products and services for business. Therefore, it’s essential for every small business to create a strong brand. Definition of a Brand …

Relationship Between Sales And Marketing

How Do Sales and Marketing Work Together to Win?

Whether you work in sales or marketing, you probably recognize that these two pillars within any organization rely on each other. You can’t have one without the other, and it takes both to create and maintain a successful company. So you how can you ensure that sales and marketing are working together? In our new webinar, Lynn Whitbeck and Tina …

Most Successful Marketing Strategies to Generate Sales

Most Successful Marketing Strategies to Generate Sales

What are some of the most successful marketing strategies that you have used to generate liquidation sales? I’m so stuck and my boss has me feeling some type of way as if hiring me was a mistake. I want to excel, I know I am great at recruiting potential customers, and my customer service skills are pretty good, too. I …