Why You Need to Be Repurposing Your Content… and 5 Ways to Get Started Today

Why You Need to Be Repurposing Your Content… and 5 Ways to Get Started Today

Creating fresh marketing content to expand your reach, engage your audience, and close sales is not the easiest of tasks. As a business owner, you have a lot on your plate, and it often becomes challenging to create fresh, unique content. But did you know you can cut the effort in half simply repurposing your content? By repurposing every piece …

How to Effectively Define and Segment Your Best Market

How to Effectively Define and Segment Your Best Market

One of the biggest challenges women business owners and entrepreneurs face is they find it challenging to land new clients. Of course, for any budding entrepreneur, getting more clients is the recipe for success and survival. However, most of them lack sales confidence, experience, and training to define and segment your audience to target the right clients, approach them with …

Why Client Thinking Is the Winning Foundation of Your Sales Strategy

Why Client Thinking Is the Winning Foundation of Your Sales Strategy

Adopting your client’s perspective will end sales chaos and allow you to develop a robust strategic plan. Client thinking is the winning foundation of your sales strategy. Sales is all about connecting with people to provide them a solution to their problems and concerns. Sales is all about making an impact on your client’s business, your own business, their personal …

Modern Creative Methods to Grow Your Child Mindset

Modern Creative Methods to Grow Your Child Mindset

As a parent, one of your biggest responsibilities is to guide the development of your child’s mindset. For your child to have a successful future, they need a growth mindset more than anything else. They need a positive self-image and self-confidence that can help them overcome obstacles and achieve success in life. If you want to help create this mindset …

How to Assess Your ADHD Symptoms For Free

How to Assess Your ADHD Symptoms For Free

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is one of the most common mental disorders in the world. ADHD affects over eight percent of children and about four percent of adults worldwide. Most ADHD symptoms appear at a young age. Lack of knowledge on this disorder has led to many people mislabelling it as one’s personality. High Functioning ADHD Symptoms High-functioning ADHD …

Job Searching? How to Make Yourself Visible Using LinkedIn

Job Searching? How to Make Yourself Visible Using LinkedIn

When you’re applying for a job at a large organization, the application process can seem quite impersonal. With online applications that just go into the HR system, it often seems like your application has vanished into thin air. Who are you supposed to follow up with? Have they seen your application? Applying for jobs in this manner can seem daunting, …

keep looking up

Keep Looking Up: How to Tackle Today’s Tough Job Market

Since the Great Recession hit in 2007, finding a job has been a lot harder than it was in years past. Youth unemployment was at 8.9% in August 2017, which is to say nothing of underemployment experienced by young workers, with 51% of millennials reporting underemployment. Even worse, in New York City, young people are earning 20% less than previous generations. Right now you …

Practical Wisdoms For Life Old Friendships

Old Friendships: How and When Should You Make Them Survive?

We always hope that our relationships will stand the test of time. Lifelong friendships are highly praised, and rightly so. Knowing that someone will always have your back is definitely a fortifying feeling. Of course, although you’ve built a robust friendship, maintaining that connection takes commitment and effort. Some friendships are easier, requiring less contact – you can simply pick …

Why a Strong Brand is Important for Your Small Business & How to Create One

Why a Strong Brand is Important for Your Small Business & How to Create One

You might have heard that ancient quip: “What’s in a name?” A lot, actually, as anyone would testify. The same holds true for a brand. After all, a brand is a name that you create for your line of products and services for business. Therefore, it’s essential for every small business to create a strong brand. Definition of a Brand …

How to Handle Sales Rejection with Your Self-Esteem Still Intact

Self-esteem reflects a person’s attitude towards themselves. This evaluation may come from career success, relationships, lifestyle, appearance – or a combination thereof. We tend to feel good about ourselves when we achieve certain goals, and typically appreciate acknowledgement of others when we reach milestones. When you work in sales, you may base your success on how many sales you make …