How to Run a Family Business and Include Your Young Children

How to Run a Family Business and Include Your Young Children

Balancing work and parenting can be challenging, especially for entrepreneurs and small business owners. How can you structure your organization and work day to make the most time for your children? And can you give your little ones “jobs” to integrate them into your family business? We spoke with Anneliese and Dustin Vance, who enable and live lives that prioritize …

Practical Wisdoms For Life Old Friendships

Old Friendships: How and When Should You Make Them Survive?

We always hope that our relationships will stand the test of time. Lifelong friendships are highly praised, and rightly so. Knowing that someone will always have your back is definitely a fortifying feeling. Of course, although you’ve built a robust friendship, maintaining that connection takes commitment and effort. Some friendships are easier, requiring less contact – you can simply pick …

Healing Broken Relationships

How to Heal the Broken Relationships in Your Life

Great relationships can bring the most joy to our lives. The wonderful times we spend with our best friend, sister, or significant other can be among our happiest moments. Sadly, sometimes these close relationships can go south. Maybe you said or did something hurtful; maybe they did. Perhaps there’s a difference in your values. Oftentimes, a simple misunderstanding can have …

Sleeping Sideways Long-Term Insomnia

Do You Suffer From Long-Term Insomnia? Try Sleeping Sideways

Sleep is incredibly important to your health. Getting enough of it improves your immune system, lifts your mood, and can help prevent heart disease, just to name a few benefits. Getting too little sleep, however, increases your chance of accident and injury, makes you irritable, and, if chronic, can lead to some serious health conditions. If sleep comes easy for …

Call Your Mom!

Call Your Mom! How to Keep Up Relationships When Life Gets Busy

Things are so much simpler when you’re younger. You don’t have to think about paying bills or making appointments; even relationships are easier. When you live in the same home as your family, you see them every day, making it easy to keep up those relationships. Likewise, all of your friends go to the same school or live in your …

Apps on Track

14 Lifesaving Apps to Keep You on Track

We all have things to do and goals to reach, and finding the right tools to help us out can be a lifesaver. Luckily, we have technology on our side, and we scoured the app stores for the best apps out there. Whether you need help refining your productivity and concentration, want to keep track of your fitness, or are …

Ink & Studs - The Personal Decision to Get Tattoos & Piercings

Ink & Studs: The Personal Decision to Get Tattoos & Piercings

It’s no secret that tattoos and piercings are extremely popular these days. While they’re common enough in older generations, they even more prevalent among younger generations. Perhaps you have tattoos and piercings yourself. And if not, maybe you’re considering getting some body art. Before you make any spontaneous decisions, though, there are some things you should consider before getting inked. …

Inner Creativity

Express Your Inner Creativity (Even if You’re Bad at Art!)

Taking time to be creative can do wonders for your mental health and overall satisfaction. Engaging in creative activities – visual, musical, or dance – can reduce stress and can even improve your physical health. Some of you might think that, despite all the benefits of creativity, it’s not for you. Many of us have that “artistic” friend, and that …

time mangement

Top 10 Tips to Gain Effective Time Management Skills

How good are you at managing your time? If you’re like most of us, you’re probably always running just a little behind, feeling overwhelmed by the length of your to-do list, and wishing you could gain control of your life. Trust us, we’ve been there ourselves. And there’s no shame in admitting that you struggle with time management. But also …

Motherly Advice: The Best Lessons Mom Ever Taught Us

Motherly Advice: The Best Lessons Mom Ever Taught Us

Mother’s Day is almost here, and why not celebrate the holiday by reflecting on how your mom has shaped you? You know what they say: “Mother knows best.” Generally speaking, that’s true! What advice has your mommy shared with you over the years? What motherly advice made a difference in your life? Here at Petite2Queen, we love our moms! Here …

Missed Milestones

Missed Milestones In Life? Why Worry?

We all have goals and plans for ourselves. For many of us, those can be pretty specific, with anticipated people, places, jobs, and years thrown into the mix. I myself had numerous goals and milestones I expected to reach at certain points in my life. But, like so many others, I was often left shocked and even disappointed when my …