Sleeping Sideways Long-Term Insomnia

Do You Suffer From Long-Term Insomnia? Try Sleeping Sideways

Sleep is incredibly important to your health. Getting enough of it improves your immune system, lifts your mood, and can help prevent heart disease, just to name a few benefits. Getting too little sleep, however, increases your chance of accident and injury, makes you irritable, and, if chronic, can lead to some serious health conditions. If sleep comes easy for …

5 Overlooked Self-Care Tips That Will Revamp Your Mental Health

5 Overlooked Self-Care Tips That Will Revamp Your Mental Health

While the concept of self-care has become somewhat trendy recently, taking an active role in one’s own health is easier said than done. Self-care is often missing from people’s busy lives. Whether due to lack of time or feelings of guilt, many of us regularly neglect our own well-being and happiness. Fortunately, some of the most effective self-care strategies (including …

Don't Forget to Care for Yourself When Pursuing Fitness Goals

Don’t Forget to Care for Yourself When Pursuing Fitness Goals

It happens to the best of us: You wake up one morning, brush your teeth, pick out your clothes… but when you try to put your pants on, they don’t fit anymore. You realize you’ve gained a little weight. You indulged a little too much over the holidays or your social life has gotten in the way of getting to …