Call Your Mom!

Call Your Mom! How to Keep Up Relationships When Life Gets Busy

Things are so much simpler when you’re younger. You don’t have to think about paying bills or making appointments; even relationships are easier. When you live in the same home as your family, you see them every day, making it easy to keep up those relationships. Likewise, all of your friends go to the same school or live in your …

No, Yoga Is Not the Cure: How to Handle Unsolicited Mental Health Advice

No, Yoga Is Not the Cure: How to Handle Unsolicited Mental Health Advice

It’s a story I’ve shared in our book, Practical Wisdoms @ Work: someone who held authority in my life told me that, while it was okay that I was on antidepressants at the time, I shouldn’t be on them for more than a year. Here’s another story: while discussing my depression and mental health, a family member told my sister …