What is Your Relational Capital and Why Does it Matter?

What is Your Relational Capital and Why Does it Matter?

How we communicate is everything. Sales professionals must know how to make people feel seen, heard, and valued. Not valued as in a potential commission check – valued as a person. By demonstrating your worthy intent through verbal and nonverbal cues, you build relational capital that will boon your career success. In this episode of Get More Clients, Superstar Sales …

Worthy Intent

Re-Energize Your Sales Job Now with Worthy Intent

Introspection is a powerful tool. For sales professionals, introspection can be an opportunity to clarify our beliefs and values. It’s a chance to re-energize our purpose and worthy intent for our prospects and clients. Are Your Intentions Worthy? Worthy intent is the core foundation of relationship sales. It’s about actively demonstrating our desire to genuinely connect with our customers. It’s …

Spice Up Your Content Mix

Spicy Content: How to Keep Your Clients’ Interest

We have all developed standard messaging, processes, and steps to pursue and close sales. Even so, it’s vital that we take a step back every 10 weeks or so to re-tool and re-frame. Reconsider the content you’re sending out, the look and feel of the message, the methods of communication delivery, the ease for interaction with our clients and prospects, …