Worthy Intent

Re-Energize Your Sales Job Now with Worthy Intent

Introspection is a powerful tool. For sales professionals, introspection can be an opportunity to clarify our beliefs and values. It’s a chance to re-energize our purpose and worthy intent for our prospects and clients. Are Your Intentions Worthy? Worthy intent is the core foundation of relationship sales. It’s about actively demonstrating our desire to genuinely connect with our customers. It’s …

What Can You Do to Cope With a Loved One's Health Crisis

What Can You Do to Cope With a Loved One’s Health Crisis?

It’s the one thing you hope will never happen: You find out that your loved one is facing a health crisis. Whether it’s cancer, a chronic illness, or troubling symptoms with no clear diagnosis, it can be scary to have or help someone else through a health crisis. But it can be especially difficult when it’s a close loved one …

Let's Talk About Salary

It’s Not Rude! Let’s Talk About Salary

How often do you ask people how much they earn? If you’re like me, that’s a question you’ve been taught to never ask. The common consensus is that questions about a person’s salary are “rude” and therefore off-limits. Divulging your salary can make you feel self-conscious because you’re afraid that people will either pity or envy you, and neither of …

Don't Forget to Care for Yourself When Pursuing Fitness Goals

Don’t Forget to Care for Yourself When Pursuing Fitness Goals

It happens to the best of us: You wake up one morning, brush your teeth, pick out your clothes… but when you try to put your pants on, they don’t fit anymore. You realize you’ve gained a little weight. You indulged a little too much over the holidays or your social life has gotten in the way of getting to …

The Top 10 Trends in Human Resources Management This Year

The Top 10 Trends in Human Resources Management This Year

Human resources is among the most important parts of any business, streamlining everything from hiring to protecting employees. But as our society and workplaces change, so, too, does human resources management. Here are the top ten trends we can expect to see in human resources in the next year. 1. Towards the Organization of the Future The way organizations operate …

Critique of Feminism Isn’t Perfect

Feminism is Not Perfect… But it is Getting Better

Let’s be real: feminism isn’t perfect. Feminists have fought for and won many of the freedoms and luxuries women enjoy today. From our right to vote to our ability to get credit cards without spousal approval, women have a lot to be thankful for. There’s much feminists are still fighting to achieve – like closing the gender pay gap and …

90 Want, 10 Need

90% Want, 10% Need – Learn the Rule That Will Unlock Your Sales!

What is a successful sale? How do you increase your success rate? It’s all about matching your solution to a customer’s need, providing something they lack, or fulfilling a desire or want. As you work through the discovery process, you are identifying buyer motivation. The prospects with a need are actively seeking suppliers with the product or service that meets …

Simple Joys, Relaxing Pursuits: 6 Easy Ways to Practice Self-Care

Simple Joys, Relaxing Pursuits: 6 Easy Ways to Practice Self-Care

When you lead a busy life with pressing responsibilities at home and work, it can be easy to overlook your physical and psychological needs. However, you can’t take care of others if you neglect your own mental well-being. Check out the following easily integrated practices if you’re ready to make a positive lifestyle change and achieve good mental health. Get …

What Feminists are Still Fighting For

What do Feminists Actually Still Fight for Today?

Previously, we reviewed just some of the incredible things the feminist movement has achieved. We’ve made great progress over the years! But does that mean the fight is over? No! We have more battles to be fight and win in the push for gender equality. Feminists are still pushing for equality on a variety of fronts. From legal rights to …

How to Declare Your Independence From Negativity and Naysayers

How to Declare Your Independence From Negativity and Naysayers

Every day we are surrounded by negativity and naysayers. They may be bold and in-your-face or, more often, insidiously creeping into the cracks of our defenses. Naysayers exploit negativity to undermine and destabilize your purpose, goals, and aspirations.  Negativity is a bitter seed which has been allowed to take root, and like any noxious weed, can quickly become invasive, producing …

Show Me the Money: How to Collect Past-Due Payments

Show Me the Money: How to Collect Past-Due Payments

We’ve all been there: A customer has missed a payment or fallen behind in their account. While prevention is the best medicine, here we are, and we need resolution. How can we help our accounts payable team and receive remittance? When our client is resistant to paying the invoice, how do we respond? The following steps will help you collect …


The “Entry-Level” Catch-22 That Plagues New Workers

Since childhood, many have wondered, “Which came first, the chicken or the egg?” Nowadays, a more pertinent question young workers often find themselves asking goes more like, “Which comes first, the job or the experience?” Indeed, many recent graduates are stuck in an uncomfortable position, unable to get an entry-level job because they don’t have enough qualifying experience… yet unable …

What Feminism Has Achieved

10 Important Things We Gained Thanks to Feminism… So Far!

Last month, we showed you that you are more than likely a feminist. That’s great news! Feminism has accomplished a lot of things, many of which people today often take for granted. Today’s feminists have an impressive legacy that they’re continuing. American feminism began in 1848 at the Seneca Falls Convention in New York. This was the first convention for …

5 Lucrative Career Paths You Never Knew Existed

5 Lucrative Career Paths You Never Knew Existed

So, your dream job isn’t all you thought it would be, and you find yourself daydreaming more than you should. There’s no need to feel bad about it, as thousands of people have been in your exact position before. In fact, our writers discussed their own horror stories in our article “A Toxic Environment: When to Leave a Bad Job”. …

By the Numbers: Women Sales Professionals

By the Numbers: 3 Powerful Ways Women in Sales Will Catch Up

Who do you think of when you think of a sales professional? If you’re reading this blog, you might think of yourself, but most people will imagine a man. This isn’t just based on old-timey stereotypes and media; women are still vastly outnumbered by men in sales. While women have been making progress in the field, the percentage of women …

How to Dump Impostor Syndrome Starting with Just One Habit

Impostor syndrome can really cramp your style. While you’re out trying to live your best life, build your career, and foster amazing relationships, impostor syndrome sits in your head and tries to convince you that you don’t deserve any of it. Impostor syndrome is a pattern of thinking that prevents people from internalizing their accomplishments. People with impostor syndrome often …