Working and Studying - Grind Don't Stop

When the Grind Never Stops: How to Balance Working & Studying

My name is Rachel, and I am a working PhD student. As with many (most?) college students, I have to work to financially support myself while I pursue my degree. And like many (probably most) working college students, I constantly feel as though there are not enough hours in a day to do it all (not to mention enough mental …

You're most likely a feminist.

You Are Probably a Feminist (And Really Should Be!)

Do you think that women should be permitted into the workforce? Should women be paid equally for their work? In your opinion, are women independent and fully functional human beings? If you said yes to any of these questions, you might be a feminist! If you said yes to all of them, you definitely are. Feminism Definition Believe it or …

The Top 25 Movies Highlighting Remarkably Strong Women

The Top 25 Movies Highlighting Remarkably Strong Women

No matter what society has told us throughout our lives, women are powerful, brave, and remarkably strong. It’s true in real life, and it’s so important to see these women in our media, too. This spring, we want to shine a light on some of our favorite movies led by inspiring woman characters. We picked 25 films that highlight the …

Top Tips to Improve Internal Communication and Sales Engagement

4 Tips to Improve Internal Communication & Engagement

Acquiring the skill to effectively communicate with your internal team is a juggernaut for sale success. Every sales woman, including the one-woman consultant, works with a diverse group of individuals to accomplish desired client outcomes. How you interact with this village will help or hinder your sales efforts. In sales, we are so focused on our client relationships and communication …

Build Your Website

Why Starting a Website is Important for All Professionals

In this day and age, anyone can have their own website. It’s not limited to giant corporations and tech-savvy computer engineers anymore – anyone from your school-aged neighbor to your adventurous great aunt can set up and maintain a website. The barriers have come down, and there’s no reason you can’t set up your own online space. More than standard …

No, Yoga Is Not the Cure: How to Handle Unsolicited Mental Health Advice

No, Yoga Is Not the Cure: How to Handle Unsolicited Mental Health Advice

It’s a story I’ve shared in our book, Practical Wisdoms @ Work: someone who held authority in my life told me that, while it was okay that I was on antidepressants at the time, I shouldn’t be on them for more than a year. Here’s another story: while discussing my depression and mental health, a family member told my sister …

Ask For It - Getting a Yes

“Don’t Ask, Don’t Get”: How to Ask for the Sale

This past week, during a conversation with Terri Tinker at KNKX, I took the opportunity to share our recent Petite2Queen press release. During the discussion, I jokingly made the comment, “You have to ask or you won’t get a yes.” Her reply struck an instant chord between us. Terri said, “I know exactly what you mean. My grandfather always told …

Be Revolutionary and Reject Unpaid Internships

Be Revolutionary and Reject Unpaid Internships

Why is it that talented, educated, and well-informed people are willing to consider and accept unpaid internships? Or, even worse, pay college tuition while they work for a company? Talk about adding insult to injury. Is it that everybody is doing it, so it’s okay? Or is it because your college advisor is promulgating this swill? Here’s the deal: it’s …

Spice Up Your Content Mix

Spicy Content: How to Keep Your Clients’ Interest

We have all developed standard messaging, processes, and steps to pursue and close sales. Even so, it’s vital that we take a step back every 10 weeks or so to re-tool and re-frame. Reconsider the content you’re sending out, the look and feel of the message, the methods of communication delivery, the ease for interaction with our clients and prospects, …

Too Many Meetings

Myriad Meetings Driving You Mad? How to Create Balance

Meetings. They’re part and parcel of many an office job, and talk at the water cooler likely includes jokes about them. Oftentimes, the jokes center on there being too many meetings within an organization or department. While meetings offer a great forum to exchange ideas and clarify projects, they can become time-wasters as discussions turn into long-winded, meandering explanations that …

I Hate Your Boyfriend - show she deserves better

I Love You But I Hate Your Boyfriend: How to Show She Deserves Better

What do you do when someone you care deeply about is in a relationship with someone who’s just… terrible? We all know the trope of an evil step-mother, and many of us have suffered after our parents’ divorce and their subsequent relationships with lame creeps. Most of us have had friends with awful boyfriends or girlfriends. You may even have …

How to Reevaluate the Conversation in the #MeToo Era - Best Practices

How to Reevaluate the Conversation in the #MeToo Era

Recently I had a conversation about work with a friend that gave me pause. During our discussion, we came to the topic of the changing dynamics in the workplace in light of the #MeToo movement. My friend, let’s call her Nancy, said something that initially left me bereft of a response. Nancy felt that the movement was creating a negative …

Women Should Pursue Sales Training career skills

Women, This is the Secret to Gain Valuable Career Skills

Here’s the secret to advancing your profession and learning invaluable career skills: sales training. Sales training teaches women key attributes needed to overcome obstacles and achieve our objectives. It’s a game changer, even for those who aren’t in a sales position. Core sales training covers conflict, negotiation, relationships, presentation, persuasion, and the ask. Each of these are foundational building blocks …