Why Women Are More Financially Stressed Than Men (And What to Do About It)

Why Women are More Financially Stressed Than Men (And What to Do About It)

Women face more barriers than men in almost all aspects of our day-to-day lives. And since money makes the world go round, it’s no surprise that financial stress affects up to 80% of women, according to a Fidelity poll. That’s two thirds more than the number of financially stressed women the poll reported just last fall! That’s why we’ve compiled this …

Be Revolutionary and Reject Unpaid Internships

Be Revolutionary and Reject Unpaid Internships

Why is it that talented, educated, and well-informed people are willing to consider and accept unpaid internships? Or, even worse, pay college tuition while they work for a company? Talk about adding insult to injury. Is it that everybody is doing it, so it’s okay? Or is it because your college advisor is promulgating this swill? Here’s the deal: it’s …