Being Productive at Work With Depression

How to Trick Your Depression to Get Stuff Done

Depression is an incredibly common illness among American adults. In 2015, 6.9% of US adults had experienced at least one major depressive episode within the past year, and major depressive disorder is the leading cause of disability among young adults. There are quite a few articles that can give you ideas for how to handle depression at work, but this …

Lead the Workplace by Inviting Diversity

Lead in the Workplace by Inviting Diversity

Over the past few decades, the United States – and the world at large – have seen an inspiring transformation towards embracing diversity. People are learning to trust and celebrate people of all races and ethnicities, nationalities, religions, genders, sexualities, ages, and more. How has this affected the workplace? How can inviting diversity improve your company and the role you …

Understanding Celebrating Cultural Differences

Celebrating Cultural Differences in the Workplace

One of the great things about the world today is how diverse and blended it has become. With the quickness and ease of traveling, the ability to connect with people online, and the ever-growing attitudes of acceptance, people regularly interact with those from another country or cultural background. Naturally, this trend has made its way into the workplace, too. With …

Makeup - love it or hate it

How do You Feel About Makeup: Love It or Hate It?

From Alicia Keys in 2017 to South Korean women today, we are seeing a vocalization of anti-makeup sentiment around the world. When Keys stopped wearing makeup (for the most part), her decision drew a lot of commentary. Some people thought it was brave and innovative, while others called it a pointless move. Still others considered the move performative and hollow. …

Four Big Ideas for Effective Criticism to Difficult Employees

Four Big Ideas for Effective Criticism to Difficult Employees

We all want to create a workplace culture and environment with the cornerstones of respect and appreciation. Doing so delivers lasting benefits of boosted performance, productivity, and engagement. Building upon this foundation includes actively mentoring, nurturing, adjusting, and critiquing your team for growth. Delivering timely constructive criticism is a crucial skill for true leaders. Navigating these situations when faced with …

Mind = Blown: Networking and Its Paradox

Mind = Blown: Networking and Its Paradox

Networking can sometimes feel like one of those buzzwords in business. Everyone throws them around, but what do they actually mean? Do they really do any good? Of course, you’ve surely heard about the basics of networking. However, maintaining the relationships you form is far more important than trading business cards. How do you properly cultivate your professional network garden? …

How to Make Your Presence Strong in Negotiations

How to Make Your Presence Strong in Negotiations

How do you succeed in negotiations? In your sales career, strong negotiating often comes down to how others perceive you. Presenting a strong, self-assured confidence can go a long way towards improving your bargaining power. You can’t control the other person or their role in this negotiation, but you can control what you bring to the table. Here’s how you can …

How to Be Your Authentic Self in Life and at Work

How to Be Your Authentic Self at Work and in Life

If you look at inspirational moodboards or research life and career tips, there’s a good chance that you’ve come across the call to be your authentic self and to always be true to who you are. While this rallying cry has its problems – which I will discuss – there is something to be gained by living honestly. How you …

How to Buy a Car, Part 3: Which Is Better, New or Used?

How to Buy a Car, Part 3: Which Is Better, New or Used?

Is there a more intimidating shopping experience than buying a car? Considering that most of us will buy a car in our lifetime, the stress that many feel towards the purchase is extreme. But does it have to be? This three-part series talks about how to research your car-buying, how to have the best experience at a dealership, and how …

How to Buy a Car, Part 2: An Edge When it’s Time to Buy

How to Buy a Car, Part 2: An Edge When it’s Time to Buy

Is there a more intimidating shopping experience than buying a car? Considering that most of us will buy a car in our lifetime, the stress that many feel towards the purchase is extreme. But does it have to be? This three-part series talks about how to research your car-buying, how to have the best experience at a dealership, and how …

Injuries & Depression - Breaking My Leg While Working On My Master’s Thesis Taught Me That I Can Handle A Lot

Breaking My Leg While Working On My Master’s Thesis Taught Me That I Can Handle A Lot

I broke my leg really badly when I was in Spain doing my master’s program. I had to get surgery and now sport 7 screws and a plate in my leg. When I first started my recovery process, I only focused on two things: being able to walk again and finishing my master’s thesis. In the beginning, it was really …

How To Manage A Day Packed With Meetings: The Ultimate Game Plan

How To Manage A Day Packed With Meetings: The Ultimate Game Plan

Meetings are a foundational tool for wooing your prospects and clients. A key to developing great relationships with your prospects and clients is doing the heavy lifting. This means making things as hassle-free as possible for your clients. You ensure that everything is convenient for them, and this includes meetings. When it comes to in-person meetings, going to them, rather …

How to Buy a Car, Part 1: Research Is Your Friend

How to Buy a Car, Part 1: Research Is Your Friend

Is there a more intimidating shopping experience than buying a car? Considering that most of us will buy a car in our lifetime, the stress that many feel towards the purchase is extreme. But does it have to be? This three-part series talks about how to research your car-buying, how to have the best experience at a dealership, and how …

Why Is Setting Boundaries So Important… And How Can You Do It?

Why Is Setting Boundaries So Important… And How Can You Do It?

A lesson many of us learn early in life is to set boundaries. That may mean drawing a line when you need time alone or being clear about things you aren’t comfortable saying or doing. Knowing what your boundaries are often comes from understanding your values and priorities. Setting boundaries is a necessary aspect of life – for yourself and …

Quote-to-Cash Process

The Basics of the Quote-to-Cash Process

There are many processes that you use to track your business’s well-being and future possibilities. One of them is something that you should be more familiar with: the quote-to-cash process. This is a more holistic process than some in the business world, because it includes multiple departments and multiple steps in the customer fulfillment journey. It takes in sales and …

Special Wow Holiday Promos

Special “WOW” Holiday Promos

As the holidays approach, it’s time to bust out of the ho-hum of the same old holiday promos. The tired gift baskets, chocolate boxes, and cheesy swag just don’t get anyone’s real attention. They are completely impersonal and along with that, have very little meaning. It’s time to step up your game and stand out. Give something genuine and demonstrate …