4 Rules to Knock Your Presentation Out of the Park

4 Rules to Knock Your Presentation Out of the Park

Presentations are an everyday occurrence in any position. They run the gamut of simple one-offs in the hallway at work to conference sessions with hundreds in the audience. Regardless of whether you are catching your manager on the run or making a formal sales presentation to a group, there are four rules you must follow to deliver a powerful communication and …

De-Clutter Your Life

Get it Together: De-Clutter Your Life

You’ve probably heard the phrase “less is more.” Perhaps you’ve heard it in terms of fashion, packing for trips, or decorating your home. While “less is more” is certainly not always true, working to de-clutter your life will inevitably bring you more happiness and tranquility. De-Clutter Your Things I come from a family of packrats. Generation upon generation, my kin …

Help the World

How Do You Help the World?

This past month, as I was preparing for an all-day event, I made the time to revisit my elevator pitch and overall approach. We all need to reassess our messaging on a regular basis. Things change and it’s important for us to pivot, not only to remain pertinent, but to freshen our personal brand. What is new and how can …

Women's Work - Undervalued, Underpaid, Unacceptable

Why Women’s Work Being Undervalued and Underpaid is Unacceptable!

It is widely known that women make less money than men. Many people, including economic and political commentators, claim that this is due to women tending to be in lower-paid careers. Of course, the pay equality complaint is that women are paid less than men for the same work, but the conversation should also include the fact that women do tend to be …

How to Handle Bigotry in Your Family

Yikes! How to Handle Bigotry in Your Family

Whether we’ve lived it or just seen it on TV, we all know the awkwardness and anger that can arise when a family member says something bigoted. Whether it’s a malicious tirade or a casual stereotype, it can make us squirm thinking about dealing with it. How are you supposed to respond? How can you handle bigotry in your family? …

Which Time Management Process Works for You? 9 Popular Techniques & Tools

Which Time Management Process Works for You? 9 Popular Techniques & Tools

Time management has been a buzz word these days, but what does it really mean? With so many different time management techniques out there, how do you choose a method that will work the best for you? The truth is, time management looks different to everyone. If you are the CEO of a Fortune 500 company, you may choose to manage …

Top 10 Solutions for Timely Payments

Top 10 Solutions for Timely Payments

Every successful sales career includes the important component of navigating and managing client relations when remittance for goods or services is past due. The prosperity and continuity of your organization is dependent upon receiving timely payments. Sales professionals embody the roles of both offense and defense, whether closing the sale or collecting for your good work. For those of you …

5 Overlooked Self-Care Tips That Will Revamp Your Mental Health

5 Overlooked Self-Care Tips That Will Revamp Your Mental Health

While the concept of self-care has become somewhat trendy recently, taking an active role in one’s own health is easier said than done. Self-care is often missing from people’s busy lives. Whether due to lack of time or feelings of guilt, many of us regularly neglect our own well-being and happiness. Fortunately, some of the most effective self-care strategies (including …

Working with Friends & Family

Is Working with Friends & Family a Good Idea?

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to work with your best friend? You may envision the two of you dominating those workplace projects, enjoying lunch breaks together, and sharing inside jokes about your other co-workers. Working with friends or family can be a great experience, but it isn’t for everyone. Not all friendships do well when dropped …

Rethink Your Routine to Gain More Control

How to Rethink Your Routine to Gain More Control

We’ve all been there: feeling completely out of control and wondering how to get back on track. It’s normal to feel a lack of agency over your life, especially when so much truly is out of your hands. You can’t force a hiring manager to pick you, and you can’t foresee a flat tire wrecking your carefully-planned schedule and budget. …

How to Identify Buyer Motivations and Gain Sales Success

How to Identify Buyer Motivations and Gain Sales Success

Sales is all about the client. That’s why in your sales career, it’s vital that you understand your clients so you can best serve them. But that’s easier said than done. How can you get into their minds and understand their buyer motivations? What will improve your chances of closing the sale… and what will put them off of working …

Do What You Say

Why it’s Important to Always Do What You Say in Sales

There is nothing more important than actually doing what you say you will do. In sales, this is the gold standard of demonstrating your credibility, reliability, and trustworthiness. For relationship sales, each of these traits are invaluable. When you do what you say you will do, you earn the confidence and good will of your clients and prospects. It’s Leadership …

12 Women Who Have Impacted Music in the Last 10 Years

12 Women Who Have Impacted Music in the Last 10 Years

As we move into the final months of 2019, we also reach the end of the second decade of the 21st century. A lot has changed in the last 10 years, and woman have continued to be at the forefront of the evolving music landscape.  Today, we’re looking back at 12 women who have changed the landscape of mainstream music …


Are You a Workaholic? Or Just a Hard Worker?

Are you working hard… or working too much? In a society that encourages long hours and dedication to your career, it can be hard to know when you’ve crossed the line between ambitious employee and workaholic. While the former suggests goal-driven hard work in the name of career success, the latter is an unhealthy addiction to work. A workaholic is …