5 Most Effective Sales Strategies You Can Apply In Your Advertising Campaign

5 Most Effective Sales Strategies You Can Apply in Your Advertising Campaign

If you’re a business owner, there are likely many challenges you may be facing. Your daily challenge will be trying to find out ways you can get more sales and customers. Advertising is an excellent option as it allows you to spread the word about your businesses to a higher audience. But how can you attract customers through your advertising …

5 Tips to Enhance Your Marketing Strategy as a Senior Entrepreneur

5 Tips to Enhance Your Marketing Strategy as a Senior Entrepreneur

When you retired, you realized that you had the opportunity to chase passions that you had never had the time to focus on while you were working full-time. Perhaps this realization led you to pursue entrepreneurship and open your own small business! Working with the top sales experts at Petite2Queen can help you drive more revenue, and in the meantime, …

Two Words

What are the Two Words That Always Deliver Sales Results?

All sales professionals know the power of using the right words at the right time. With that said, there are two words that consistently deliver results. Unfortunately, women tend to shy away from using these impactful words, instead defaulting to their more passive counterparts. What are these mysterious words? “Will” and “would,” as opposed to “can” and “could.” “Will” and …

Why a Strong Brand is Important for Your Small Business & How to Create One

Why a Strong Brand is Important for Your Small Business & How to Create One

You might have heard that ancient quip: “What’s in a name?” A lot, actually, as anyone would testify. The same holds true for a brand. After all, a brand is a name that you create for your line of products and services for business. Therefore, it’s essential for every small business to create a strong brand. Definition of a Brand …

Effective Voicemail

What are the Top Tips for Truly Effective Voicemail?

Voicemails are an integral component of sales success. They can be a powerful tool to connect, provide information, and build relational capital. However, not all sales people utilize voicemail effectively. I assert that some use it so poorly that it produces a negative, rather than a positive, result. Pointless, rambling, static voicemails ending with the incredibly hasty phone number are …

How Phone Calls Energize

What is Sales’ Unsung, Powerful Tool? Consider: The Phone

As salespeople, we are on the phone with clients and prospects every day. The ubiquity of this form of communication can obscure the phone call’s true value. Don’t take this powerful tool for granted! Freshen up your phone etiquette to maximize your sales potential. The Basics Your voice immediately sets you apart. Your client or prospect needs to clearly hear …

Follow-Up Calls

How Can You Create Energized and Relevant Follow-Up?

The first step in maximizing the impact of your prospect follow-up is to know your objective. Take the ubiquitous follow-up call or email: Your objective should be more than just checking in; it should be to move the sale forward in a meaningful way. And while it goes without saying, I’m going to say it: Follow up in a timely …

How to Handle Sales Rejection with Your Self-Esteem Still Intact

Self-esteem reflects a person’s attitude towards themselves. This evaluation may come from career success, relationships, lifestyle, appearance – or a combination thereof. We tend to feel good about ourselves when we achieve certain goals, and typically appreciate acknowledgement of others when we reach milestones. When you work in sales, you may base your success on how many sales you make …

Breaking Down Barriers with... Play-Doh?!

How You Can Break Down Barriers… With Play-Doh?!

When you read the title of this post, many of you may wonder, what the what? Let me explain. When we’re in meetings and presenting to a group of individuals, many people arrive with preconceived notions, are set in their way of doing things, or have a completely different agenda on their mind. The most important thing you can do …

Heavy Lifting in Sales

How to Blow Them Away by Doing the Heavy Lifting

The lifeblood of sales and building relationships is setting ourselves apart from our competition. It’s about building strong, long-term relationships and a referral network in the process. Throughout my career, I have found that by doing the heavy lifting for my clients and prospects, my sales success continuously improved. I believe that performing the heavy lifting is a key principal …

Virtual Meetings in sales

How to Build Quality Relationships with Virtual Meetings

Virtual meetings are today’s touchstone; I myself partake in multiple virtual meetings each day. It’s undeniable that virtual meetings are far safer with COVID-19, and more convenient without the travel time and associated vicissitudes. They are an excellent method of building our relationships with prospects, clients, and our internal team. Therefore, our sales success requires us to take advantage of …

Attending Conferences

Top 10 Tips for Sales Traction When Attending a Conference

How do you get the most out of conference attendance? Along with making genuine connections, what actionable commitments will build momentum? What are the key takeaways to gain traction and move the sales process forward? To accomplish all of these things, you need a strategy and planned tactics before you attend the conference. The following tips will lay the foundation …

Always Right - Customer's Point of View

Always Right: Sales Tips from a Customer’s Point of View

You can’t have sales without customers. That statement may seem obvious to the point of simplicity, but it highlights an often-forgotten part of the business world: You can’t sell anything if no one wants to buy. What do customers want? How can your interactions with these important people make you into the best salesperson you can be? While every customer …

4 Rules to Knock Your Presentation Out of the Park

4 Rules to Knock Your Presentation Out of the Park

Presentations are an everyday occurrence in any position. They run the gamut of simple one-offs in the hallway at work to conference sessions with hundreds in the audience. Regardless of whether you are catching your manager on the run or making a formal sales presentation to a group, there are four rules you must follow to deliver a powerful communication and …

Help the World

How Do You Help the World?

This past month, as I was preparing for an all-day event, I made the time to revisit my elevator pitch and overall approach. We all need to reassess our messaging on a regular basis. Things change and it’s important for us to pivot, not only to remain pertinent, but to freshen our personal brand. What is new and how can …