3 Magic Keys for Your Brand - Marketing, Motivation, and Mentoring - Beth Hendricks

3 Magic Keys for Your Brand: Marketing, Motivation, and Mentoring

When developing your brand, there are three magic keys you need to consider: marketing, motivation, and mentoring. How do these apply to your brand? How can you infuse your branding with all three? We spoke with Beth Hendricks on these powerful elements and how to communicate them in all aspects of your business. Watch our podcast with Beth Hendricks to …

How to Align Your Sales Strategy With Your Business Goals

How to Align Your Sales Strategy With Your Business Goals

In any business, the sales team is critical in achieving the company’s goals. However, to maximize the potential of your sales team, the sales strategy must align with the overall business goals. Otherwise, it’s hard to track progress and have confidence that you’re moving your business in the right direction. In this article, we’ll discuss how to align your sales …

Why Storytellers Sell More and Have More Fun Doing It - Tom Ruwitch

Why Storytellers Sell More and Have More Fun Doing It

What is the surest way to connect with people? How do we learn valuable lessons as children and form bonds with characters and brands as adults? The answer: stories! Indeed, the best way to sell a product or service is to speak to your prospects’ emotions, and you do that through the stories you tell. Not only is this a …

Why Do People Need to Learn About Selling with Love? - Jason Marc Campbell

Why Do People Need to Learn About Selling with Love?

We all know how little people like to be sold to. Many see sales as “sleazy,” in large part because so many salespeople come across as inauthentic and uncaring. But sales can truly help people… if you know how to sell with love. Truly understand your client, provide them with a product or service that will genuinely improve their life, …

Why Defining and Segmenting Your Market is Crucial for Sales Success

Why Defining and Segmenting Your Market is Crucial for Sales Success

One of the biggest challenges women business owners and entrepreneurs face is they find it challenging to land new clients. Of course, for any budding entrepreneur, getting more clients is the recipe for success and survival. However, most of them lack sales confidence, experience, and training to target the right clients through segmenting, approach them with the most appropriate sales …

How You Leverage Podcasts to Turbocharge Business Growth

How You Leverage Podcasts to Turbocharge Business Growth

A proven effective sales strategy you need to be using is guest podcasting. It is an effective shortcut to attract new prospects, get more sales, receive valuable speaking invites, and gain more partnerships with influencers.  Being a guest on podcasts establishes your authority, improves your SEO, and provides the ability to garner more attention from your ideal clients. Why Podcasting? …

Why Client Thinking Should Be the Foundation of Your Sales Strategy

Why Client Thinking Should Be the Foundation of Your Sales Strategy

Adopting your client’s perspective will end sales chaos and allow you to develop a robust strategic plan. Client thinking is the foundation of your sales strategy. Sales is all about connecting with people to provide them a solution to their problems and concerns. Sales is all about making an impact on your client’s business, your own business, their personal life, …

How to Know Your Client’s Motivations and Emotional Desires (and Sell with Ease!)

How to Know Your Client’s Motivations and Emotional Desires (and Sell with Ease!)

No business is able to grow and thrive without a thorough understanding of their clients and their ideal customers. Developing your knowledge of what your customers want, their motivations, and their pain points will ensure that you can tailor your product or service to meet their needs. This will give you an increased chance at securing their business.  In our …

How to Think Like a Client to Maximize Sales Success

How to Think Like a Client to Maximize Sales Success

Why client thinking should be the foundation of your sales strategy Want to end sales chaos and allow yourself to develop a robust strategic plan? Adopt your client’s perspective and start to think like a paying client. Client thinking should be the foundation of your sales strategy, as sales is all about connecting with people to provide them a solution …

Preparing for a Future in Marketing: Steps to Help You Along the Way

Preparing for a Future in Marketing: Steps to Help You Along the Way

Technology has drastically transformed the way we consume things. It has undoubtedly transformed how companies present themselves. Businesses are utilizing technology to help them market their company. With a successful marketing campaign led by an experienced marketer, a company can reap great benefits. Companies are beginning to see the advantage of an experienced marketing person in their business. The demand …

How Genuine Passion & Alliances Generates Valuable Referrals

How Genuine Passion & Alliances Generate Valuable Referrals

In this highly competitive world, it can be hard to get valuable referrals. How can you inspire existing clients to spread the love and send new prospects your way? We spoke with the King of Referrals, Brandon Barnum, about the secret to warm leads. It all starts with genuine passion and strong alliances. Watch our podcast with Brandon Barnum for …