Top Secrets to Understanding Your Prospect's Emotional Desires

Top Secrets to Understanding Your Prospect’s Emotional Desires

If sales is about providing what clients want, need, or lack, you need to know what those are. Never underestimate the role of clients’ emotional desires in deciding whether to purchase what you’re offering. In this episode of Get More Clients, Superstar Sales Consultant Lynn Whitbeck tells you why your ‘client why’ is the psychographic key to creating the transformational …

Why Client Thinking Should Be the Foundation of Your Sales Strategy

Why Client Thinking Should Be the Foundation of Your Sales Strategy

Adopting your client’s perspective will end sales chaos and allow you to develop a robust strategic plan. Client thinking is the foundation of your sales strategy. Sales is all about connecting with people to provide them a solution to their problems and concerns. Sales is all about making an impact on your client’s business, your own business, their personal life, …

How to Know Your Client’s Motivations and Emotional Desires (and Sell with Ease!)

How to Know Your Client’s Motivations and Emotional Desires (and Sell with Ease!)

No business is able to grow and thrive without a thorough understanding of their clients and their ideal customers. Developing your knowledge of what your customers want, their motivations, and their pain points will ensure that you can tailor your product or service to meet their needs. This will give you an increased chance at securing their business.  In our …