My Journey with MS: How to Navigate a Chronic Illness

My Journey with MS: How to Navigate a Chronic Illness

Millions of people have a chronic illness, and yet despite how pervasive they are, many don’t know much about chronic and invisible illnesses. In our new podcast, we spoke with Wendy Bjork, who was diagnosed with MS in the 1990s. We discuss her diagnosis and life with MS, but also Wendy’s commitment to helping others with chronic and invisible illnesses. …

Language Matters: How to Be Inclusive of LGBTQ+ Colleagues

Language Matters: How to Be Inclusive of LGBTQ+ Colleagues

As we all work towards greater diversity and inclusion at work, it’s important to give some particular focus to how we interact with our LGBTQ+ colleagues. What might you be saying or doing that can be divisive or offensive? How can we instead communicate in ways that are more respectful and inclusive? Our Director of Content Rachel shares some advice …

How to Overcome Trauma and Burnout and Recover Your Life's Purpose

How to Overcome Trauma and Burnout and Recover Your Life’s Purpose

Trauma and burnout are serious matters, yet it can be so easy for people to push through them and ignore them, instead focusing on moving forward. But what happens when they go unchecked for too long? We spoke with Natasha C. Dewhirst, a woman who developed chronic fatigue and ended up in a wheelchair due to the burnout she’d incurred. …

How Can Women Overcome Systemic Challenges and Ensure Success?

How Can Women Overcome Systemic Challenges and Ensure Success?

Most of us are well aware that women face bigger hurdles in their path to career success. From discriminatory hiring practices to the gender wage gap to that glass ceiling in our way, there are systemic challenges blocking our way. How can women overcome these barriers, both individually and as a whole? For our new podcast, we spoke with our …

How You “Woman Up” to Have a Successful Career in Sales

How You “Woman Up” to Have a Successful Career in Sales

The sales career path has been historically dominated by men, but women are catching up within the field. Despite seemingly requiring “masculine” characteristics to do well, how can women see sales success on their own terms? Lynn spoke with Laura Stewart, the Director of Sales and Marketing at REC, about how ladies can “woman up” to attain sales wins and …

How to Shorten Your Sales Cycle with Authority and Visibility

How to Shorten Your Sales Cycle with Authority and Visibility

Anyone who works in sales knows that the sales cycle can be pretty long. Depending on your industry, it can take weeks, months, or even years to earn new clients’ trust and finally make the sale. But is there a way you can shorten that sales cycle? Indeed, there is. In our new podcast, Lynn speaks with Josh Elledge of …

Ladies! This is How We Can Be Kinder to Each Other

Ladies! This is How We Can Be Kinder to Each Other

Have you ever noticed the tendency that women have of tearing down other women? Perhaps it’s a colleague competing with you at work, or maybe a friend who tries to one you up. Whatever the situation, it can sting. Why do women do this to each other? And moreover, how we can overcome this bad habit and start being kinder …

Career Planning: What You Need to Know About Your Professional Future

Career Planning: What You Need to Know About Your Professional Future

For many of us, from the time we’re in high school, we’re taught the value of making a career plan. Whether it’s a five-year plan or a 10-year plan, we learn that looking to and preparing for the future will help us in getting there. As we move into adulthood and start developing our careers, though, career planning continues to …

How to Excel as an Entrepreneur... and Still Have Me-Time

How to Excel as an Entrepreneur… and Still Have Me-Time

For many of us, it’s hard to carve out me-time away from work. But no matter how busy you are at your job — including if you’re an entrepreneur — you still can and should make time for yourself. That may be easier said than done. Luckily, our special guest Breanna Gunn shared her top tips to excel in your …

How to Create Realistic Schedules Without Overstuffing Your Time

How to Create Realistic Schedules Without Overstuffing Your Time

We’re nearly a month into the new year, and many of us have already added our resolutions and goals into our schedules… and promptly found that we’ve overstuffed our calendars. If you ever feel the strain of trying to squeeze in too much each day, you might wonder how you can finally make a schedule that works for you. How …

How to Manage a Successful, Fully Digital Business

How to Manage a Successful, Fully Digital Business

For the last several years – and especially since the pandemic hit in early 2020 – businesses have been trending towards a digital workforce. But for your digital business to be successful, you’ll need to know what does and doesn’t work for the online setting. How do you manage a fully digital business, with employees who telecommute from around the …

6 Tips to Overcome Burnout and Gain More Energy - Sabrina Runbeck

6 Tips to Overcome Burnout and Gain More Energy

Burnout has been a major topic in recent years, and no wonder: A growing percentage of people – notably millennial women – are experiencing burnout. In this hard-working, always-on society, how can we overcome burnout, gain more energy, and get a little balance into our lives? In our new podcast, we spoke with Sabrina Runbeck on ways to solve burnout …

How Can Introverts Tap into Their Inner Power and Thrive at Work? - Nicole Burgess

How Can Introverts Tap into Their Inner Power and Thrive at Work?

It’s been said that we currently live in an extroverted society, and from this introvert’s perspective, that seems pretty accurate! But although it may feel like you need to be (or act like) an extrovert to excel in school, work, and life generally, introverts are actually powerful and valuable. Indeed, introverts have unique skills that set them up to succeed …