How to Upgrade Your Mindset and Transform Belief into Success

How to Upgrade Your Mindset and Transform Belief into Success

Believe it or not, a lot of our professional success comes from our own business mindset. Sometimes we hold ourselves back or don’t position ourselves for career growth. But it doesn’t have to stay that way. What if we could change that negative mindset to one, instead, of success? We recently spoke with author and podcaster Holly Worton about how …

keeping up hope when job prospects don't work out

Keeping Up Hope When Job Prospects Don’t Work Out

Today’s generation faces a tougher job market than any in recent history. Many young women – even those with advanced degrees – are enduring what feels like an endless loop of job applications and interviews. With no clear end in sight, it’s easy to get discouraged. After repeatedly getting rejected for job prospects, how do you keep your hopes up? …