Families' Gender Roles

Gender Roles: It’s Not Just a Phase, Your Mom Should Know That by Now!

Our families significantly shape who we are as people. The way we’re raised impacts the way we think and the attitudes we have. Family beliefs, however, are not tattooed onto your brain. Almost all of us differ from our family’s worldviews in more ways than one. This is to be expected, as time keeps moving us forward and popular attitudes …

Sleeping Sideways Long-Term Insomnia

Do You Suffer From Long-Term Insomnia? Try Sleeping Sideways

Sleep is incredibly important to your health. Getting enough of it improves your immune system, lifts your mood, and can help prevent heart disease, just to name a few benefits. Getting too little sleep, however, increases your chance of accident and injury, makes you irritable, and, if chronic, can lead to some serious health conditions. If sleep comes easy for …

Follow-Up Calls

How Can You Create Energized and Relevant Follow-Up?

The first step in maximizing the impact of your prospect follow-up is to know your objective. Take the ubiquitous follow-up call or email: Your objective should be more than just checking in; it should be to move the sale forward in a meaningful way. And while it goes without saying, I’m going to say it: Follow up in a timely …

#MeToo - Companies Must do Better

“Time’s Up” – How Companies Must Do Better Right Now

The #MeToo movement is changing dynamics in the workplace as the staggering scope of the problem has come to light. Companies need to reexamine their internal policies, encourage change in corporate culture, and address sexual assault, harassment, and discrimination claims more directly. In short, companies must do better. How can they do this? Here are key lessons to take from …

Legal Considerations for Starting Your Own Business

Legal Considerations for Starting Your Own Business

Starting a business can be overwhelming, but it can also be very rewarding — especially if you start out with very little capital. And it’s even more challenging when you’re a woman, considering how women-owned businesses are still considered a minority. Not to mention, the hurdles faced by women who have started a business are often different from those experienced by …

How to Handle Sales Rejection with Your Self-Esteem Still Intact

Self-esteem reflects a person’s attitude towards themselves. This evaluation may come from career success, relationships, lifestyle, appearance – or a combination thereof. We tend to feel good about ourselves when we achieve certain goals, and typically appreciate acknowledgement of others when we reach milestones. When you work in sales, you may base your success on how many sales you make …

Is Your Skill-Set Actually Future-Proof?

Is Your Skillset Actually Future-Proof?

It has been a rough few months. The COVID-19 pandemic, the worst global health crisis since the 1918 Spanish Flu, has killed over half a million people and infected many, many more. Unfortunately, that’s not all. The epidemic has also devastated the business world and left thousands out of a job. The present and near future look bleak for many. …

Call Your Mom!

Call Your Mom! How to Keep Up Relationships When Life Gets Busy

Things are so much simpler when you’re younger. You don’t have to think about paying bills or making appointments; even relationships are easier. When you live in the same home as your family, you see them every day, making it easy to keep up those relationships. Likewise, all of your friends go to the same school or live in your …

How to Deflect the Doubled-Edged Sword as a Working Mom

How to Deflect the Doubled-Edged Sword as a Working Mom

As women make gains in the workplace, there remains a dreadful hypocrisy against being a working mom that women face almost every day. It’s a double-edged sword. On one side, we navigate the path to be successful female leaders. On the other side, we must prevent our peers and managers from forming the perceptions that we prioritize our children over …

Apps on Track

14 Lifesaving Apps to Keep You on Track

We all have things to do and goals to reach, and finding the right tools to help us out can be a lifesaver. Luckily, we have technology on our side, and we scoured the app stores for the best apps out there. Whether you need help refining your productivity and concentration, want to keep track of your fitness, or are …

Workload Depression

How to Deal with Workload Depression: Helpful Tips

What is workload depression? Workload depression is characterized by feelings of hopelessness and sadness; it causes life’s typical struggles to feel overwhelming by fundamentally changing your way of thinking toward the negative. People often feel physically weak, lose their ability to work and concentrate, and have difficulty eating and sleeping properly and carrying on living a healthy life. As indicated …

How 3 Practical Skills Unlock New Opportunities

How 3 Practical Skills Unlock New Opportunities

Every day we wonder, what’s coming next? What’s on the other side of the tremendous disruption from the Coronavirus pandemic? How will we navigate the new normal? What practical skills will help us do so? Working moms are unsung heroes. We support our families, friends, and co-workers while grappling with unknowns. We can never lose sight that we have the …

Inner Creativity

Express Your Inner Creativity (Even if You’re Bad at Art!)

Taking time to be creative can do wonders for your mental health and overall satisfaction. Engaging in creative activities – visual, musical, or dance – can reduce stress and can even improve your physical health. Some of you might think that, despite all the benefits of creativity, it’s not for you. Many of us have that “artistic” friend, and that …