leading by example

Leading by Example: Do You Have What it Takes?

Think about the exceptional leaders you aspire to emulate. What traits and characteristics do they possess? Which leadership skills will help you engage, inspire, and motivate others? To climb to the top of your career, you’ll need to develop your leadership skills. Knowing what to work on will help you cultivate the right traits. Effective leading also takes also takes …

What's The Best Use of Business Travel Time in Sales?

What’s the Best Use of Business Travel Time in Sales?

In professional sales, you’re always on the move. When you’re constantly traveling to new destinations, it can eat into your work time. How do you stay productive while you’re on the road? How can you utilize your business travel time more effectively? Sales veterans Lynn and Tina share their top tips to maintain sales while on the move. Make the …

Marital Status & Career Opportunities

Does Marital Status Affect Career Opportunities?

Have you ever worried that your marital status might limit hiring prospects and promotions? For decades, women have faced the burden of being negatively judged for being married or having children. Meanwhile, men don’t suffer these same stigmas. In fact, oftentimes, these perceptions are subconscious. But does marital status still affect women in their careers? How does it impact a …

few top prospects vs. a wide net

What’s Better? A Few Top Prospects or Throwing a Wide Net?

A successful sales career is all about having the right strategy. So what’s better? Should you focus your sales efforts on a few top prospects, or is it better to throw a wide net? Sales experts Lynn and Tina each share their own insights into which strategy to utilize. In part, it depends on your sales goals and the objectives …

keeping up hope when job prospects don't work out

Keeping Up Hope When Job Prospects Don’t Work Out

Today’s generation faces a tougher job market than any in recent history. Many young women – even those with advanced degrees – are enduring what feels like an endless loop of job applications and interviews. With no clear end in sight, it’s easy to get discouraged. After repeatedly getting rejected for job prospects, how do you keep your hopes up? …

emotional and social intelligence

What are Emotional and Social Intelligence?

Have you heard of emotional and social intelligence? Do you know how your understanding of the two enhance your life? Emotional and Social Intelligence, or ESI, refers to the competencies linked to self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, and relationship management, which enable people to understand and manage their own and others’ emotions in social interactions. We all have different social skillsets …

Persistence Pays Off

Does Persistence Really Pay Off in Sales?

You’ve probably heard that patience, persistence, and perspiration make an unbeatable combination for success. But does persistence really pay off in sales? There’s a fine line between being persistent… and being a nuisance. In your sales position, you want to maintain both good relationships and good results. Not sure where that line is? Lynn and Tina – both sales experts …

Sexual Harassment

We Must Stop Shifting the Blame on Sexual Harassment

Accounts of sexual harassment have been everywhere in the past few months. Harassers like Harvey Weinstein and Kevin Spacey aren’t just in the movie industry. They exist in nearly every level of every industry. Sexual harassment is a pervasive issue, and thanks in part to the #MeToo movement, there’s finally an open dialogue on a problem that should have been …

If your dreams don't scare you...

“If Your Dreams Don’t Scare You…”

Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, the current President of Liberia, once said, “If your dreams don’t scare you, you are not dreaming big enough.” Indeed, with so much opportunity in the world, why settle for mediocre? Aim high! How does this quote apply to women in the workplace? How can women overcome the doubts that hold them back at work? Women are …

Dress Codes

Are Dress Codes in the Workplace Sexist?

Dress codes have been a prominent part of work culture for as long as anyone can remember. Oftentimes these guidelines are meant to ensure the employees all look neat and professional. In certain industries, it addresses safety concerns. But then there are clothing codes that are based on gender roles. How are men and women allowed to present themselves at …