Whether you work in sales or marketing, you probably recognize that these two pillars within any organization rely on each other. You can’t have one without the other, and it takes both to create and maintain a successful company. So you how can you ensure that sales and marketing are working together? In our new webinar, Lynn Whitbeck and Tina …
How to Achieve Sales Success When Exhibiting at an Event
While there are many types of exhibits at events, there is a common thread: promoting or selling your product or service. The formats and venues for these events run the gamut of an open house for a customer, a table top for your sales materials or demo items, a forum or conference, and trade shows, expos, or fairs. With all …
Skill #2 – How Engagement Expands Your Prosperity
Last month, sales leader Patrick Carter joined our CEO Lynn Whitbeck to introduce their new 12-part series. In that first episode, Patrick and Lynn revealed their acronym, “PERFORMANCE,” highlighting the top 11 power skills you need to boost your sales career. Following a discussion of “Problem Solving” earlier this month, the duo are back to discuss the second letter, “Engagement.” …
How Should I Handle Event Invites I do Not Want?
I am constantly invited to client events or ballgames after work and on weekends. How do I gracefully decline these event invites? – Tara in Denver, CO Answer: Building rapport with clients requires time, attention, and genuine interest. Receiving an invitation from a customer is a compliment, and it speaks to the relationship you have fostered. It’s important to view …
Top 10 Tips for Sales Traction When Attending a Conference
How do you get the most out of conference attendance? Along with making genuine connections, what actionable commitments will build momentum? What are the key takeaways to gain traction and move the sales process forward? To accomplish all of these things, you need a strategy and planned tactics before you attend the conference. The following tips will lay the foundation …
Skill #1 – Problem Solving Your Way to Success
In our last sales podcast, sales leader Patrick Carter joined our CEO Lynn Whitbeck for the first installment of a new 12-part series. That episode introduced their acronym, “PERFORMANCE,” highlighting the top 11 power skills you need to boost your sales career. Today, Patrick and Lynn dive into that first P in PERFORMANCE: Problem Solving. What do you do when …
How 11 Power Skills Will Swiftly Boost Your Career
In 2019, we were glad to have sales leader Patrick Carter join us for a podcast about the retail apocalypse. That discussion went so well that we now get Patrick back for a whole 12-part series! To kick off this series, he and our CEO Lynn introduce listeners to the 11 power skills you need to boost your sales career. …
What Should I Wear for Diverse Group of Sales People?
I work with clients from a variety of backgrounds, and I’m having a hard time figuring out how to dress for them. My older clients seem to feel more comfortable when I’m wearing a suit because I look professional and competent. Younger representatives, however, find such clothing stuffy and impersonal, and prefer a trendier and more casual look. I often …
Always Right: Sales Tips from a Customer’s Point of View
You can’t have sales without customers. That statement may seem obvious to the point of simplicity, but it highlights an often-forgotten part of the business world: You can’t sell anything if no one wants to buy. What do customers want? How can your interactions with these important people make you into the best salesperson you can be? While every customer …
4 Tips to Get the Most Out of Your Sales Business Travel
Many of us have to travel for our jobs, whether to meet with clients or attend conferences and tradeshows. Business travel can be hectic and stressful, but it can also be an enjoyable, positive experience if you know how to do it. Not sure how you’ll do on your next business trip? Here are some tips on how to get …
We Made a Big Mistake on Pricing… Help!
My company made a big mistake on the pricing of an order for a new client. Now I must go back and renegotiate the pricing. What is the best approach so I don’t lose the order and client? – Eleanor in Plymouth Meeting, Pennsylvania Answer: We all know mistakes happen. They are a great opportunity to strengthen your relationships when …
How to Laser Focus Significant Tools to Achieve Your Goals
How can you achieve sales success this 2020? It starts with laser focus and the right tools. Lynn spoke with sales expert Gresham W. Harkless Jr. on how entrepreneurs, business owners, and people with a side hustle can find new opportunities and sales leads for their organizations. Ring in the new year with these unmissable tips. Gresh manages a community …
How to Handle an Uneven Distribution of Leads
Our company distributes the leads that come in to the sales reps. A disturbing pattern has emerged. Our sales manager gives the best leads – multi-million-dollar opportunities – to the male sales reps. The women reps get the leftover one-offs. Do I point this out to our manager or go right to HR? How should I handle this uneven distribution …
How Do You Help the World?
This past month, as I was preparing for an all-day event, I made the time to revisit my elevator pitch and overall approach. We all need to reassess our messaging on a regular basis. Things change and it’s important for us to pivot, not only to remain pertinent, but to freshen our personal brand. What is new and how can …
10 Big Ways to Unlock Innovative Tech Sales
How do you obtain customers and effectively manage relationships with them in the tech industry? We spoke with Dennis Sullivan, a sales expert and relationship ninja who leads from the heart to build strong, lasting connections. Although the sales profession has changed a lot over the years, Dennis’s unique approach in the tech field has helped him secure continued success. …
Top 10 Solutions for Timely Payments
Every successful sales career includes the important component of navigating and managing client relations when remittance for goods or services is past due. The prosperity and continuity of your organization is dependent upon receiving timely payments. Sales professionals embody the roles of both offense and defense, whether closing the sale or collecting for your good work. For those of you …
How to Identify Buyer Motivations and Gain Sales Success
Sales is all about the client. That’s why in your sales career, it’s vital that you understand your clients so you can best serve them. But that’s easier said than done. How can you get into their minds and understand their buyer motivations? What will improve your chances of closing the sale… and what will put them off of working …
Why it’s Important to Always Do What You Say in Sales
There is nothing more important than actually doing what you say you will do. In sales, this is the gold standard of demonstrating your credibility, reliability, and trustworthiness. For relationship sales, each of these traits are invaluable. When you do what you say you will do, you earn the confidence and good will of your clients and prospects. It’s Leadership …
7 Surefire Ways to Boost Your Referrals and Sales
Sales careers are dependent upon having a strong network of clients. How do you build up this network? One of the best ways is through referrals. Referrals are highly coveted and a vital way to boost your sales career, but it can be daunting to seek them out. How do you ask for referrals without coming across as desperate? What …
How to Excel Even If You’re Shy In Sales
I was recently hired for a sales position at a company I’ve always wanted to work for. I hope that this job can eventually lead to other positions within this company. The problem is, I’m not sure how well suited I am for sales. I’m very shy and naturally introverted, and the thought of selling to various clients terrifies me. …