How to Win Friends and Build Influence with Gatekeepers

How to Win Friends and Build Influence with Gatekeepers

Receptionists: They’re often the first person seen and the last person considered. However, a smart saleswoman will recognize them for the power they have. Receptionists, like personal assistants and coordinators, are gatekeepers. Gatekeepers can be the difference between you connecting with your potential buyer and being shown out the door. Indeed, it won’t matter how well you can sell your …

How To Pursue An Entrepreneurial Idea: Our Most Powerful Tips

How to Pursue an Entrepreneurial Idea: Aidan Vuocolo’s Most Powerful Tips

Have you ever considered starting your own business? Have you ever been struck with an exciting idea that could change the way you work? So many of us want to pursue an entrepreneurial idea, but we don’t always know how. Luckily, there are experts out there who can help. Aidan Vuocolo started Stories Behind the Grind and, through interviewing the …

How to Find Your Purpose & Passions in Life

How to Find Your Purpose & Passions in Life

How do you find your purpose and passions in life? It’s a question many of us grapple with, and it can take years to figure it all out. Luckily, there are some amazing people who have been through it, too, and they’re more than happy to share what they’ve learned along the way. In our latest podcast, Lynn and Amanda …

are dream jobs important in today's world?

Are Dream Jobs Important in Today’s World?

Ever since we were little, we’ve been asked what we want to be when we grow up. A doctor? Maybe a firefighter? And as we grew older, we needed to create 5-year career plans, choose our college majors, and take steps to reach our dream jobs. But how many of us have the same goals now that we did 20 …

Consider These Important Things When Adopting a New Pet

Consider These Important Things When Adopting a New Pet

How often do you come across puppies and kittens up for adoption and think, “I want you!”? Most people love these furry little companions and will bring a pet into their lives as soon as they can. Once you’ve moved into an apartment that allows animals and you’re considering adopting a new pet, though, be sure to stop and consider …

Women Negotiating Raises

How Women Can Gain Confidence in Negotiating Raises

Negotiating raises can be difficult or even scary for a lot of people, but it seems especially so for women. Why are so many women reluctant or even afraid to ask for a raise? How can we overcome these feelings? We could have an entire discussion about how societal norms can harm a woman’s confidence and feelings of self-worth. But …

Recovering from a Misstep

Recovering From a Misstep

Sales is a tricky business that requires excellent people skills as you build trust with your clients. But no matter how much you’ve mastered the art of sales, you’ll still make mistakes from time to time. What kinds of missteps can occur during the sales process? What about client relationships – are missteps more serious and harder to overcome? Moreover, how …

Purposeful Discomfort & Career Growth

Purposeful Discomfort & Career Growth: Get Out Of Your Comfort Zone

Oftentimes, the only way to grow is to get outside your comfort zone. Likewise, it’s not surprise that purposeful discomfort goes hand in hand with vigorous career growth. What is purposeful discomfort? It starts with learning a new skill, flexing your work paradigm, and experiencing new concepts or foreign ideas. You may feel a bit out of balance, and it …

demonstrate sincere interest in your clients

Demonstrate Sincere Interest in Your Clients

In sales, demonstrating sincere interest in your clients, or worthy intent, is invaluable. It’s how you build stronger, lasting relationships with your clients. Worthy intent in professional sales is all about building relational capital with your prospects and clients – the practice of making a deeper connection with the individuals you work with. You accomplish this by shifting the focus …

Secret of Getting Ahead is Getting Started

The Secret of Getting Ahead is Getting Started

Mark Twain has widely been attributed as saying that “the secret of getting ahead is getting started.” His words ring as true now as they did a hundred years ago: If you want to reach your destination, you have to take that first step in the right direction. While this is true across all aspects of life, it’s especially important …