Buying your first home can be an exhilarating, overwhelming, and ultimately life-changing experience. It’s exciting to finally carve out a space that belongs to you and really make it your own. But throughout the process of choosing, making an offer on, and securing your home, you’ll run into a number of unknowns. You’ll likely have a lot of questions and …
How to Implement the Law of Attraction and Realize Your Goals
Have you ever heard about the Law of Attraction? Essentially, it’s the idea that you get what you expect to get in life. If you see things as glass-half-empty, that’s how you’ll continue to see things. But if we put positive energy out there, good things will come our way. You may be skeptical now, but there’s a lot to …
How to Give Yourself Permission to Want More and Become a “Feel-Good Junkie”
Many of us are familiar with messages that we should be grateful for what we have, and we may even believe it’s greedy to want too much. But is it fair to limit ourselves just so we avoid rocking the boat? Maybe we actually should want more out of life, should aim higher, and should stop settling for less. We …
My Journey with MS: How to Navigate a Chronic Illness
Millions of people have a chronic illness, and yet despite how pervasive they are, many don’t know much about chronic and invisible illnesses. In our new podcast, we spoke with Wendy Bjork, who was diagnosed with MS in the 1990s. We discuss her diagnosis and life with MS, but also Wendy’s commitment to helping others with chronic and invisible illnesses. …
How to Overcome Trauma and Burnout and Recover Your Life’s Purpose
Trauma and burnout are serious matters, yet it can be so easy for people to push through them and ignore them, instead focusing on moving forward. But what happens when they go unchecked for too long? We spoke with Natasha C. Dewhirst, a woman who developed chronic fatigue and ended up in a wheelchair due to the burnout she’d incurred. …
How to Improve Your Relationship… With Money
We all know that money plays a major role in our lives, and yet so many us, especially women, don’t have a good relationship with it. In a society that often discourages financial discussions, many of us struggle with our own money and don’t know how to make the best financial choices. And that doesn’t just impact us as individuals; …
Ladies! This is How We Can Be Kinder to Each Other
Have you ever noticed the tendency that women have of tearing down other women? Perhaps it’s a colleague competing with you at work, or maybe a friend who tries to one you up. Whatever the situation, it can sting. Why do women do this to each other? And moreover, how we can overcome this bad habit and start being kinder …
How to Create Realistic Schedules Without Overstuffing Your Time
We’re nearly a month into the new year, and many of us have already added our resolutions and goals into our schedules… and promptly found that we’ve overstuffed our calendars. If you ever feel the strain of trying to squeeze in too much each day, you might wonder how you can finally make a schedule that works for you. How …
6 Tips to Overcome Burnout and Gain More Energy
Burnout has been a major topic in recent years, and no wonder: A growing percentage of people – notably millennial women – are experiencing burnout. In this hard-working, always-on society, how can we overcome burnout, gain more energy, and get a little balance into our lives? In our new podcast, we spoke with Sabrina Runbeck on ways to solve burnout …
From Failure to Fortitude: How to Revamp Our Education System
Despite our claims of being the best, the American education system isn’t as great as we’d like to think. From an overly US-centric focus and a whitewashing of history to concerns about students being taught to pass tests rather than to truly learn, there’s a lot of room for improvement. Luckily, there are people fighting for change, including a young …
How to Trade Out Fear for Intentional Bravery
We’ve all felt instances of fear, and sometimes we let fear dominate our decisions. That may mean we don’t pursue a certain career we want, or we don’t get up in front of a crowd to speak about something important to us, or we don’t make the big move to our dream destination. Whatever fears we have, they can be …
Organizing for Death, Life, and the Future
What do death, emotions, and the environment have in common? If you guessed “organization,” you’re right! Do you know where your advanced directive, will, and death plan are? How can you organize your emotions while organizing your home? And as you’re putting everything in its place, how can you make sure that you’re being kind to the planet? We talked …
Stop Being a Hot Mess: How to Finally Get Organized!
Raise your hand if you’ve ever felt like a hot mess. Okay, we’re not going to out you like that. But just know, we’ve all been there. It can be hard to get organized – and stay organized! Luckily, there’s help available to you… starting with this here podcast! We spoke with organization expert Laurie Palau of Simply B Organized …
Your Story of Change: Dance with Your Past to Surge Forward
We all have a past, and many of us want the ability to change the course of our future. How can you do that effectively? We spoke with Corbie Mitleid about how to clean out your life closet and shape your own story of change. Corbie is a certified psychic, certified tarot card reader, and a legally ordained minister. She’s …
How to Overcome Food Fears and Live More Freely
It’s no secret that many of us struggle with self-esteem regarding our appearance. Many of us have a hard time attaining or maintaining a specific weight goal, feel self-conscious about our eating habits, and develop food fears. Our latest guest, Kimberly Spencer, is no stranger to these experiences. Though she was once crowned Miss Congeniality, she battled bulimia for years. …
How to Awaken Your Spark and Enjoy Life
Do you ever feel like you’re not being true to yourself, or that you’re moving through each day like a disillusioned zombie? It’s easy to lose the joie de vivre as we face stresses and struggles in everyday life, but it doesn’t have to be this way. We spoke with an intuitive healer and teach named Lana McAra about how …
How to Move Toward a Better Life After Trauma
For people who have experienced trauma, it can be very difficult to move forward from it. Alison Donaghey faced this firsthand when she was sexually assaulted as a teenager. But over time, she found a way to overcome what happened to her. In our new podcast, Alison shares her method for a better life after trauma. Listen to our podcast …
How to Overcome Trauma and Improve in Love and Life
Most of us have faced some traumas in our life, and these can manifest in our relationships, affecting who we partner with and how the relationship works out. In our new interview, we spoke with Riana Milne about how you can identify and overcome traumas and improve in love and life. Riana is a licensed mental health counselor, certified mindfulness …
What is it Like to be an Immigrant in America Today?
America is a nation of immigrants, and we welcome people from all over the world. But the last several years have been especially turbulent for our immigrants. What is it like to be an immigrant here today? We spoke with Irina VanPatten, originally from Moldova, about her own experiences and her new book on this subject. Her recently published book, …
What is Emotional Eating and How Can You Overcome It?
Many of us struggle with our weight, sometimes leading to lower confidence or insecurity about our appearance. Why is it so hard to maintain a specific weight? For many, it comes down to emotional eating. We spoke with Renée Jones about this and how she has developed a method that tackles that fundamental issue. After 40 years of trying various …