The Magic Solution of Time, Organization, and ROI - Arliss Dudley-Cash

The Magic Solution of Time, Organization, and ROI

Did you know that your ROI can be directly linked to how well you manage your time? Indeed, good time management and overall organization cannot be overstated. They are the magic solution to business success, and nailing down both can do wonders for your bottom line. We spoke with Arliss Dudley-Cash, a business consultant, about how to improve your processes …

Why is Emotional Intelligence Needed for Effective Writing? - Erin Lebacqz

Why is Emotional Intelligence Needed for Effective Writing?

What does it take to be an effective writer? One of the most important ingredients is understanding your audience, and for that, having good emotional intelligence is key. Most of us can benefit from improving our emotional intelligence, and that work can lead to better writing and greater impact from your words. How can you accomplish all of this? We …

How TEDx Can Help Grow Your Business—Before You Ever Set Foot On Stage! - Cathlyn Melvin

How TEDx Can Grow Your Business—Before You Ever Set Foot On Stage!

One of the make-it-or-break-it goals of a business is to garner interest and traction. Indeed, in order to make a sale, you first need clients. For many, it helps to get in front of an audience and share your knowledge. A TEDx stage may be the perfect platform, and it can help grow your business, even before you’ve set a …

How to Create a Personal Image That Aligns With Your Business Brand - Tracy Pohlmann

How to Create a Personal Image That Aligns With Your Business Brand

We’ve all heard about the importance of having a clear brand for your business. It’s how your organization communicates what it’s all about and attracts the kinds of customers or clients it can best serve. But if you’re the face of that company or otherwise visible in your role there, it’s also vital to have a personal image that aligns …

Why Do People Need to Learn About Selling with Love? - Jason Marc Campbell

Why Do People Need to Learn About Selling with Love?

We all know how little people like to be sold to. Many see sales as “sleazy,” in large part because so many salespeople come across as inauthentic and uncaring. But sales can truly help people… if you know how to sell with love. Truly understand your client, provide them with a product or service that will genuinely improve their life, …

What Are the ABCs of Effective Communication in the Workplace? - Mpume Ncube-Daka

What Are the ABCs of Effective Communication in the Workplace?

There are few skills more important to master than that of communication. Indeed, it is foundational to everything, including success in the workplace. But communication is as easy as A-B-C, right? Well, not quite. We spoke with Mpume Ncube-Daka about the art of effective communication. With the right tools, you can excel in your communication… and in your career. Watch …

How You Improve Conversations with CORE Communication Skills - Lesley Nase

How You Improve Conversations With CORE Communication Skills

Having quality conversations with people can sometimes be tricky, and that’s certainly true in the business world. How can you ensure that they’re effective and meaningful for all involved parties? You can start by improving your CORE communication skills. What does that mean and how can you take valuable strides now? We spoke with our returning guest Lesley Nase to …

How to Break Through Men's Toxic Masculinity to Healthy Habits

How to Break Through Men’s Toxic Masculinity to Healthy Habits

In the past decade, there has been a lot of wonderful discussion around feminism as well as toxic masculinity. Men’s mental health is very important, and it’s finally getting needed attention. We spoke with Kirtideva Peruman about how men can attain better, healthier masculine energy, feel empowered, and turn away from the more toxic side of masculinity. Watch our podcast …

How to Inspire Advocacy Impact with Heart Centered Music & Story - Rachelle Babler

How to Inspire Advocacy Impact with Heart Centered Music & Story

Music is more powerful than you may realize. It can soundtrack good times, be something you turn to when you’re upset, and drastically alter how you interpret a movie scene. (For real: Horror films rely on spooky vibes soundtracks!) However, music can also be used for bigger movements, like advocacy and societal change. How would you like to have your …

Why Entrepreneurship is a Good Life for You, Your Family, Community, & World - Elizabeth Tollis

Why Entrepreneurship is a Good Life for You, Your Family, Community, & World

Do you have an entrepreneurial idea? Do you have what it takes to launch and run your own business? While entrepreneurship can, of course, be an amazing choice for yourself and your own career, it can also be beneficial for those around you: your family, your community, even the world. How can you ensure your business has a positive impact …

How to Accept Yourself Fully and Connect to Your True Authentic Self - Barbera Schouten

How to Accept Yourself Fully and Connect to Your True Authentic Self

Are you true to yourself? Do you like who you are? Many of us struggle with confidence and self-love. It’s so easy to compare ourselves to others and zero in on the ways we feel lacking. But we should all celebrate our individuality. How can you learn to accept yourself fully and connect with your true, authentic self? We spoke …

How Communication Mastery Creates a More Enjoyable, Profitable Workplace - Emmeline Saavedra

How Communication Mastery Creates a More Enjoyable, Profitable Workplace

As they say, communication is key. Indeed, most of us recognize the value of clear communication, whether in business or in interpersonal relationships more generally. Even so, many of us still struggle with this invaluable soft skill. How can we finally achieve communication mastery? We spoke with Emmeline Saavedra, an expert on communication, leadership, and sales. She shares how you …