I’m entering my 30s, and I’m starting to feel the pressure to have children. My husband wants kids – soon – and I don’t know how long I’m going to keep putting it off. I want children, but I just don’t feel ready yet. Help! – Heather in Sherman Oaks, CA Answer: All big decisions should be approached with care, …
How to Manage a Major Invoicing Delay
We have a long-term relationship with a well-known firm. Our sales representative does a great job, and the overall product and service quality are excellent. The problem is invoicing. We cannot get our invoices in a timely manner. We have complained about this issue and had meetings about it, and yet our invoices still show up months after the order …
Will Maternity Leave Replacement Actually Steal My Job?
While I was away on maternity leave, my replacement did an excellent job and everybody I work with loves her as a colleague. I’m worried I may be at risk of losing my job to her. Should I be concerned? Who should I talk to about my job security following maternity leave? – Rocio in Allentown, Pennsylvania Answer: How great …
Is it Really Wrong to Vacation Without the Kids?
My husband wants us to take a vacation without our young children. I’m having a hard time with this – I can’t imagine leaving my kids behind while we travel somewhere exciting. My parents always took us kids with them, and some of my happiest memories are of our family vacations. My friends are all encouraging me to do it, …
How to Pick Up the Fumble When You Drop the Ball with the Client!
I haven’t talked to a prospect in several months and think I may have dropped the ball. What should I do? How can I pick up my fumble? – Maddie in Ponca City, Oklahoma Answer: Pick up the fumble and run with it. Reach out and check in with your client. Don’t apologize; just initiate your conversation where you left …
How to Help Mom Make Decisions After Dad’s Death
My mom is struggling to make decisions since my father died. Do I make the decisions for her, or should I focus on giving her emotional support? – Ricki in Kirkland, Washington Answer: Lynn: Ricki, I am going through the same situation right now, so I totally get your dilemma. In my case, it may be a bit easier as …
No, Yoga Is Not the Cure: How to Handle Unsolicited Mental Health Advice
It’s a story I’ve shared in our book, Practical Wisdoms @ Work: someone who held authority in my life told me that, while it was okay that I was on antidepressants at the time, I shouldn’t be on them for more than a year. Here’s another story: while discussing my depression and mental health, a family member told my sister …
How Should You Get a Friend’s Helpful Job Referral?
I am interested in a position at a company where a friend of mine works. How should I initially reach out to my friend on the inside for some help to be considered for the role? Can I get my friend’s job referral? – Vanessa in San Mateo, California Answer: Amanda: Vanessa, how I would approach my friend depends on …
How Do You Say No to Critical People?
I am surrounded by critical and negative people. Friends and family alike. How do I say “no” and break down the barriers to find a happier place? – Gabriella in Milford, Connecticut Answer: Gabriella, do your friends and family seem negative because they are venting? Are you their safe sounding board? That may be one thing to consider. And while …
How to Handle Empty Promises and Friends Who Never Call
I am so tired of hearing my friends say, “We should get together sometime,” and then they never call. How do I deal with these empty promises? – Felicia in Fort Smith, Arkansas Answer: Felicia, call them and set a date. There is no reason to be passive and wait for someone else to make the first move. Look at …
How to Super-Charge Your Referrals
My clients never give me referrals. I’m doing great business with them with outstanding performance reviews. Why won’t they voluntarily recommend me? – Blessing in Huntsville, Alabama Answer: Blessing, this is a great question. As with asking for the sale, you must ask for the referral. This is a simple answer, but there is an art to asking for referrals. …
How to Win as a Working Mom Without Longer Hours
I was recently asked to work longer hours at my job despite the fact that I need to leave on time every day to pick up my kids from school. I feel like my company is trying to push me out as a working mom. How do I explain to my manager that I simply can’t stay longer than we …
How to Succeed as a Female Entrepreneur in New City
I am a female entrepreneur. What factors are important to consider when moving to a new city? – Martha in Port Orford, Oregon Answer: Martha, this is a complex question and deserves a comprehensive guide for consideration. However, I will touch on key components to review. The number one factor is the fit for your business. Does the city have …
Should My Mom Really be Dating Right After Divorce?
The ink is barely dry from my mom’s divorce and she’s already started dating. I am worried that she needs a break and time to regain her balance and focus on her life. Should my mom be dating right after divorce? Am I just projecting my fears or are these real concerns I should discuss with her? – Marcie in …
8 Proactive Steps to Ensure Pay Equity Now!
I recently found out that a male co-worker in the same position makes considerably more than I do. What should I do? Talk to my boss? Talk to HR? Do I just shut up? What are the rules? – Michelle in Hopkinton, New Hampshire Answer: To receive equal pay, you need to tap into your power and then leverage it …
5 Things to do Now to Rekindle Your Relationship with Mom
In the last few years since I moved out, I feel like my relationship with my mother has become strained. We don’t talk like we used to, and it feels like I’m always the one reaching out to her. I miss how close we used to be. How can we rekindle our relationship? – Louise in Calgary, Alberta Answer: Our …
What Are the Biggest Mistakes I Should Avoid in My First Job?
I just started my first job after graduating with my degree. What are the biggest mistakes or misconceptions I should avoid when managing this first position? – Harmony in Springdale, Newfoundland Answer: Harmony, what a great question. Here is my take on the top three mistakes or misconceptions you want to avoid. These three pitfalls are common in first jobs. …
How do I Overcome My Fear of Public Speaking?
How can I conquer my fears of public speaking, either in front of a group or at company and industry events? – Corina in Terre Haute, Indiana Answer: Start small. Do not expect to wake up tomorrow and be transformed. You will achieve your goals of public speaking with confidence when you establish incremental objectives. I would like to share …
Consider These Tips Before Leaving The Nest
Moving out is a huge step in anyone’s life. How do you know when you’re ready? What should you do if you’re not? Once you’ve decided to rent your own home, there will be plenty of logistics to sort out and plan for. On top of this, how will you handle the emotional impact of leaving the nest? Whether you’re …