When you lead a busy life with pressing responsibilities at home and work, it can be easy to overlook your physical and psychological needs. However, you can’t take care of others if you neglect your own mental well-being. Check out the following easily integrated practices if you’re ready to make a positive lifestyle change and achieve good mental health. Get …
How Can I Move Forward from This Quarter-Life Crisis?
Ever since I graduated from college, I’ve felt less and less certain about what I’m doing with my life. I don’t know what kind of career I want, what kind of relationship I should be in, or how I want to live my life. It feels like a quarter-life crisis. How can I figure out who I am and what …
What do Feminists Actually Still Fight for Today?
Previously, we reviewed just some of the incredible things the feminist movement has achieved. We’ve made great progress over the years! But does that mean the fight is over? No! We have more battles to be fight and win in the push for gender equality. Feminists are still pushing for equality on a variety of fronts. From legal rights to …
How to Declare Your Independence From Negativity and Naysayers
Every day we are surrounded by negativity and naysayers. They may be bold and in-your-face or, more often, insidiously creeping into the cracks of our defenses. Naysayers exploit negativity to undermine and destabilize your purpose, goals, and aspirations. Negativity is a bitter seed which has been allowed to take root, and like any noxious weed, can quickly become invasive, producing …
What to Know When Moving In With Your Significant Other
When should I move in with my significant other? – Erin in King of Prussia, PA Answer: Erin, major life decisions should be made, whenever possible, from a position of tranquility. This means that you’ve had time to consider all of the things that will result and be impacted by the decision, and how your life could potentially change based …
What is the Pink Tax and How Do We Destroy It?
In the last few years, probably all of us have heard of the pink tax. A major point of conversation lately is about what products men and women use and the cost differences between them. Why is it that women’s deodorant often costs more than men’s deodorant? Why the price difference between razor blades for men vs. women? We at …
10 Important Things We Gained Thanks to Feminism… So Far!
Last month, we showed you that you are more than likely a feminist. That’s great news! Feminism has accomplished a lot of things, many of which people today often take for granted. Today’s feminists have an impressive legacy that they’re continuing. American feminism began in 1848 at the Seneca Falls Convention in New York. This was the first convention for …
Help! How Can I Combat the Pressure to Have Children?
I’m entering my 30s, and I’m starting to feel the pressure to have children. My husband wants kids – soon – and I don’t know how long I’m going to keep putting it off. I want children, but I just don’t feel ready yet. Help! – Heather in Sherman Oaks, CA Answer: All big decisions should be approached with care, …
Safe Travels: How to Guarantee an Awesome Vacation
Summer is just around the corner, which means a lot of us are planning out vacations around the world. In addition to all the fun activities you’re planning, make time to plan out how you’ll stay safe, too. Safe travels won’t hinder your good times – if anything, it will make your trip even more enjoyable. The more prepared you …
Is it Really Wrong to Vacation Without the Kids?
My husband wants us to take a vacation without our young children. I’m having a hard time with this – I can’t imagine leaving my kids behind while we travel somewhere exciting. My parents always took us kids with them, and some of my happiest memories are of our family vacations. My friends are all encouraging me to do it, …
You Are Probably a Feminist (And Really Should Be!)
Do you think that women should be permitted into the workforce? Should women be paid equally for their work? In your opinion, are women independent and fully functional human beings? If you said yes to any of these questions, you might be a feminist! If you said yes to all of them, you definitely are. Feminism Definition Believe it or …
68 Breakup Songs To Sing At The Top of Your Lungs
While we might wish for happily ever after, many relationships, sadly, can end in a bitter breakup. Whether you’re happy to be over your lame ex or stuck in an abyss of sorrow, we have just the song for you. In conjunction with our recent interview with Lady Jasmine Love about turning a breakup into a breakthrough, we’ve also made …
How to Turn Your Breakup Into a Breakthrough
Most of us have been there: a relationship comes to a dramatic end and you’re left broken-hearted and alone. Breakups can suck, but they don’t have to be that bad! In fact, they can actually lead to new levels of self-love and confidence. How do you get such a positive change out of something so catastrophic? We spoke to Lady …
The Top 25 Movies Highlighting Remarkably Strong Women
No matter what society has told us throughout our lives, women are powerful, brave, and remarkably strong. It’s true in real life, and it’s so important to see these women in our media, too. This spring, we want to shine a light on some of our favorite movies led by inspiring woman characters. We picked 25 films that highlight the …
How to Help Mom Make Decisions After Dad’s Death
My mom is struggling to make decisions since my father died. Do I make the decisions for her, or should I focus on giving her emotional support? – Ricki in Kirkland, Washington Answer: Lynn: Ricki, I am going through the same situation right now, so I totally get your dilemma. In my case, it may be a bit easier as …
No, Yoga Is Not the Cure: How to Handle Unsolicited Mental Health Advice
It’s a story I’ve shared in our book, Practical Wisdoms @ Work: someone who held authority in my life told me that, while it was okay that I was on antidepressants at the time, I shouldn’t be on them for more than a year. Here’s another story: while discussing my depression and mental health, a family member told my sister …
How Do You Say No to Critical People?
I am surrounded by critical and negative people. Friends and family alike. How do I say “no” and break down the barriers to find a happier place? – Gabriella in Milford, Connecticut Answer: Gabriella, do your friends and family seem negative because they are venting? Are you their safe sounding board? That may be one thing to consider. And while …
How You Can Empower Yourself Through a Bike Adventure
It’s a scary world out there, and the many threats we could potentially face can leave you feeling fearful and insecure. Olivia Round knows exactly how that feels, because that’s how she felt growing up. But at one point, she decided that she needed to overcome her fears. So how did she do it? Olivia chose an unexpected journey to …
How to Bounce Back from Your Quarter-Life Crisis
After finally getting a good job in my industry in 2016, by early 2017 I realized it was making me miserable. At the encouragement of my family and after a lot of reflection, I resigned from my position. But instead of feeling free to pursue new opportunities, all I felt was crushing certainty that I had somehow failed. I felt …
How to Gain Control: 15 Tricks to Stop Feeling Overwhelmed
Feeling overwhelmed? All of us get a little stressed sometimes, especially when the to-do list is out of control. There’s no shame in needing help, and we have just the webinar to aid you. The team here at Petite2Queen have a lot of experience with frightening workloads. Take control of your situation by breaking down projects into smaller tasks and …