Top Tips You Should Know When Buying Your First Home

Top Tips You Should Know When Buying Your First Home

Buying your first home can be an exhilarating, overwhelming, and ultimately life-changing experience. It’s exciting to finally carve out a space that belongs to you and really make it your own. But throughout the process of choosing, making an offer on, and securing your home, you’ll run into a number of unknowns. You’ll likely have a lot of questions and …

Why Women Are More Financially Stressed Than Men (And What to Do About It)

Why Women are More Financially Stressed Than Men (And What to Do About It)

Women face more barriers than men in almost all aspects of our day-to-day lives. And since money makes the world go round, it’s no surprise that financial stress affects up to 80% of women, according to a Fidelity poll. That’s two thirds more than the number of financially stressed women the poll reported just last fall! That’s why we’ve compiled this …

How to Implement the Law of Attraction and Realize Your Goals

How to Implement the Law of Attraction and Realize Your Goals

Have you ever heard about the Law of Attraction? Essentially, it’s the idea that you get what you expect to get in life. If you see things as glass-half-empty, that’s how you’ll continue to see things. But if we put positive energy out there, good things will come our way. You may be skeptical now, but there’s a lot to …

Practical Wisdoms For Life Old Friendships

Old Friendships: How and When Should You Make Them Survive?

We always hope that our relationships will stand the test of time. Lifelong friendships are highly praised, and rightly so. Knowing that someone will always have your back is definitely a fortifying feeling. Of course, although you’ve built a robust friendship, maintaining that connection takes commitment and effort. Some friendships are easier, requiring less contact – you can simply pick …

How to Give Yourself Permission to Want More and Become a “Feel-Good Junkie”

How to Give Yourself Permission to Want More and Become a “Feel-Good Junkie”

Many of us are familiar with messages that we should be grateful for what we have, and we may even believe it’s greedy to want too much. But is it fair to limit ourselves just so we avoid rocking the boat? Maybe we actually should want more out of life, should aim higher, and should stop settling for less. We …

My Journey with MS: How to Navigate a Chronic Illness

My Journey with MS: How to Navigate a Chronic Illness

Millions of people have a chronic illness, and yet despite how pervasive they are, many don’t know much about chronic and invisible illnesses. In our new podcast, we spoke with Wendy Bjork, who was diagnosed with MS in the 1990s. We discuss her diagnosis and life with MS, but also Wendy’s commitment to helping others with chronic and invisible illnesses. …

How to Overcome Trauma and Burnout and Recover Your Life's Purpose

How to Overcome Trauma and Burnout and Recover Your Life’s Purpose

Trauma and burnout are serious matters, yet it can be so easy for people to push through them and ignore them, instead focusing on moving forward. But what happens when they go unchecked for too long? We spoke with Natasha C. Dewhirst, a woman who developed chronic fatigue and ended up in a wheelchair due to the burnout she’d incurred. …

Healing Broken Relationships

How to Heal the Broken Relationships in Your Life

Great relationships can bring the most joy to our lives. The wonderful times we spend with our best friend, sister, or significant other can be among our happiest moments. Sadly, sometimes these close relationships can go south. Maybe you said or did something hurtful; maybe they did. Perhaps there’s a difference in your values. Oftentimes, a simple misunderstanding can have …

Families' Gender Roles

Gender Roles: It’s Not Just a Phase, Your Mom Should Know That by Now!

Our families significantly shape who we are as people. The way we’re raised impacts the way we think and the attitudes we have. Family beliefs, however, are not tattooed onto your brain. Almost all of us differ from our family’s worldviews in more ways than one. This is to be expected, as time keeps moving us forward and popular attitudes …

Ladies! This is How We Can Be Kinder to Each Other

Ladies! This is How We Can Be Kinder to Each Other

Have you ever noticed the tendency that women have of tearing down other women? Perhaps it’s a colleague competing with you at work, or maybe a friend who tries to one you up. Whatever the situation, it can sting. Why do women do this to each other? And moreover, how we can overcome this bad habit and start being kinder …

Sleeping Sideways Long-Term Insomnia

Do You Suffer From Long-Term Insomnia? Try Sleeping Sideways

Sleep is incredibly important to your health. Getting enough of it improves your immune system, lifts your mood, and can help prevent heart disease, just to name a few benefits. Getting too little sleep, however, increases your chance of accident and injury, makes you irritable, and, if chronic, can lead to some serious health conditions. If sleep comes easy for …

How to Create Realistic Schedules Without Overstuffing Your Time

How to Create Realistic Schedules Without Overstuffing Your Time

We’re nearly a month into the new year, and many of us have already added our resolutions and goals into our schedules… and promptly found that we’ve overstuffed our calendars. If you ever feel the strain of trying to squeeze in too much each day, you might wonder how you can finally make a schedule that works for you. How …

6 Tips to Overcome Burnout and Gain More Energy - Sabrina Runbeck

6 Tips to Overcome Burnout and Gain More Energy

Burnout has been a major topic in recent years, and no wonder: A growing percentage of people – notably millennial women – are experiencing burnout. In this hard-working, always-on society, how can we overcome burnout, gain more energy, and get a little balance into our lives? In our new podcast, we spoke with Sabrina Runbeck on ways to solve burnout …