Perfect Imperfections - Your Confidence Boost to Overcome Impostor Syndrome

Perfect Imperfections: Your Confidence Boost to Overcome Impostor Syndrome

So many of us feel like we’re not smart enough, strong enough, good enough. Whether it’s low self-esteem or impostor syndrome, we’re here to remind you of how amazing you are. Sure, we all have room for growth, and we all have imperfections. But those are what make you unique and perfect, just the way you are. To get you …

Working with Friends & Family

Is Working with Friends & Family a Good Idea?

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to work with your best friend? You may envision the two of you dominating those workplace projects, enjoying lunch breaks together, and sharing inside jokes about your other co-workers. Working with friends or family can be a great experience, but it isn’t for everyone. Not all friendships do well when dropped …

Rethink Your Routine to Gain More Control

How to Rethink Your Routine to Gain More Control

We’ve all been there: feeling completely out of control and wondering how to get back on track. It’s normal to feel a lack of agency over your life, especially when so much truly is out of your hands. You can’t force a hiring manager to pick you, and you can’t foresee a flat tire wrecking your carefully-planned schedule and budget. …

How to Identify Buyer Motivations and Gain Sales Success

How to Identify Buyer Motivations and Gain Sales Success

Sales is all about the client. That’s why in your sales career, it’s vital that you understand your clients so you can best serve them. But that’s easier said than done. How can you get into their minds and understand their buyer motivations? What will improve your chances of closing the sale… and what will put them off of working …

2010s in Review: 12 Women Who Impacted Music in the Last 10 Years

2010s in Review: 12 Women Who Impacted Music in the Last 10 Years

As we move into the final months of 2019, we also reach the end of the second decade of the 21st century. A lot has changed in the last 10 years, and woman have continued to be at the forefront of the evolving music landscape. Earlier this week, we shared a blog highlighting 12 of the women who have had …

12 Women Who Have Impacted Music in the Last 10 Years

12 Women Who Have Impacted Music in the Last 10 Years

As we move into the final months of 2019, we also reach the end of the second decade of the 21st century. A lot has changed in the last 10 years, and woman have continued to be at the forefront of the evolving music landscape.  Today, we’re looking back at 12 women who have changed the landscape of mainstream music …


Are You a Workaholic? Or Just a Hard Worker?

Are you working hard… or working too much? In a society that encourages long hours and dedication to your career, it can be hard to know when you’ve crossed the line between ambitious employee and workaholic. While the former suggests goal-driven hard work in the name of career success, the latter is an unhealthy addiction to work. A workaholic is …

What Can You Do to Cope With a Loved One's Health Crisis

What Can You Do to Cope With a Loved One’s Health Crisis?

It’s the one thing you hope will never happen: You find out that your loved one is facing a health crisis. Whether it’s cancer, a chronic illness, or troubling symptoms with no clear diagnosis, it can be scary to have or help someone else through a health crisis. But it can be especially difficult when it’s a close loved one …

Show Me the Money: How to Collect Past-Due Payments

Show Me the Money: How to Collect Past-Due Payments

We’ve all been there: A customer has missed a payment or fallen behind in their account. While prevention is the best medicine, here we are, and we need resolution. How can we help our accounts payable team and receive remittance? When our client is resistant to paying the invoice, how do we respond? The following steps will help you collect …


The “Entry-Level” Catch-22 That Plagues New Workers

Since childhood, many have wondered, “Which came first, the chicken or the egg?” Nowadays, a more pertinent question young workers often find themselves asking goes more like, “Which comes first, the job or the experience?” Indeed, many recent graduates are stuck in an uncomfortable position, unable to get an entry-level job because they don’t have enough qualifying experience… yet unable …

What Feminism Has Achieved

10 Important Things We Gained Thanks to Feminism… So Far!

Last month, we showed you that you are more than likely a feminist. That’s great news! Feminism has accomplished a lot of things, many of which people today often take for granted. Today’s feminists have an impressive legacy that they’re continuing. American feminism began in 1848 at the Seneca Falls Convention in New York. This was the first convention for …

You're most likely a feminist.

You Are Probably a Feminist (And Really Should Be!)

Do you think that women should be permitted into the workforce? Should women be paid equally for their work? In your opinion, are women independent and fully functional human beings? If you said yes to any of these questions, you might be a feminist! If you said yes to all of them, you definitely are. Feminism Definition Believe it or …

Build Your Website

Why Starting a Website is Important for All Professionals

In this day and age, anyone can have their own website. It’s not limited to giant corporations and tech-savvy computer engineers anymore – anyone from your school-aged neighbor to your adventurous great aunt can set up and maintain a website. The barriers have come down, and there’s no reason you can’t set up your own online space. More than standard …