I am so tired of hearing my friends say, “We should get together sometime,” and then they never call. How do I deal with these empty promises? – Felicia in Fort Smith, Arkansas Answer: Felicia, call them and set a date. There is no reason to be passive and wait for someone else to make the first move. Look at …
5 Ways to Engage with an Argument Dodger
Disagreements are a natural part of life. As we are not automatons, people have varying opinions and sets of values. Invariably, you will face disagreements with the people you are close to, and some of these disagreements will grow heated and become arguments. This is not something to fear, but it is a challenge that must be tackled if you …
What Kid-Friendly Music Can the Full Family Enjoy?
My toddler loves music, and has been obsessed with the Dora the Explorer soundtrack for months now. I’m happy she likes it, but this children’s music is driving me up the wall! What are some kid-friendly music options I can introduce my young daughter to? How can introduce her to new music that she and I will both enjoy? – …
I Love You But I Hate Your Boyfriend: How to Show She Deserves Better
What do you do when someone you care deeply about is in a relationship with someone who’s just… terrible? We all know the trope of an evil step-mother, and many of us have suffered after our parents’ divorce and their subsequent relationships with lame creeps. Most of us have had friends with awful boyfriends or girlfriends. You may even have …
How to Beat Scam Artists with Savvy Smarts
Probably all of us have gotten calls, texts, or emails from scam artists trying to get access to your bank account. It’s getting tougher and tougher to protect ourselves against these fraudulent attacks. Luckily, we’ve got your back on this. In our new podcast interview, author Greg Aunapu reveals how we can spot the newest schemes, avoid them, and protect …
Should My Mom Really be Dating Right After Divorce?
The ink is barely dry from my mom’s divorce and she’s already started dating. I am worried that she needs a break and time to regain her balance and focus on her life. Should my mom be dating right after divorce? Am I just projecting my fears or are these real concerns I should discuss with her? – Marcie in …
3 Tricks to Make Life More Manageable When You Feel Overwhelmed
Life has a way of becoming overwhelming. It seems that there’s more and more to do the older you get, especially once you start living on your own. Your to-do list grows out of control, and eventually the amount of time it would take to get it all done exceeds the amount of time you have left until retirement. Just …
Every Day is a New Second Chance
I’ve had a really bad start to the new year. My car died, I missed the company New Year’s party because of food poisoning, and my nemesis won a coveted position. I feel defeated and bummed out, like I already need a second chance or do-over. How do I get my mojo back? – Nina in Frederiksted, Virgin Islands Answer: …
How to Recover from Perfectionism
Caroline Garnet McGraw is an author, speaker, coach…. and, in her own words, a recovering perfectionist, workaholic, codependent, and people-pleaser. She started a blog in 2011 about trading perfectionism for possibility. In September 2014, she gave her first TEDx talk, “Perfectionism Doesn’t Protect Us.” Two years later Caroline returned to the TEDx stage as an All-Star speaker with, “You Don’t …
5 Tips to Achieve Your Goals and Change for the Better
You know what they say: The hardest step is getting started. We all want to change for the better, and this time of year is all about resolutions. Here at Petite2Queen, we are confident in your ability to become your best self. But how do you make your dreams come true? Self-improvement takes a lot of work and dedication. While the …
Why Perfectionism Limits Your Potential and Happiness
Caroline Garnet McGraw is an author, speaker, coach…. and, in her own words, a recovering perfectionist, workaholic, codependent, and people-pleaser. She started a blog in 2011 about trading perfectionism for possibility. In September 2014, she gave her first TEDx talk, “Perfectionism Doesn’t Protect Us.” Two years later Caroline returned to the TEDx stage as an All-Star speaker with, “You Don’t …
Help! I Was in a Bike Accident – What Do I Do Next?
Today I was in a bike accident. I was riding my bicycle in the city where I live, and a car hit me. I brushed if off at the time, but I’m bruised and have a warped bike. Lynn, what do you do if you forgot to get a person’s insurance information after they hit you with their car? Is this …
How do You Feel About Makeup: Love It or Hate It?
From Alicia Keys in 2017 to South Korean women today, we are seeing a vocalization of anti-makeup sentiment around the world. When Keys stopped wearing makeup (for the most part), her decision drew a lot of commentary. Some people thought it was brave and innovative, while others called it a pointless move. Still others considered the move performative and hollow. …
5 Things to do Now to Rekindle Your Relationship with Mom
In the last few years since I moved out, I feel like my relationship with my mother has become strained. We don’t talk like we used to, and it feels like I’m always the one reaching out to her. I miss how close we used to be. How can we rekindle our relationship? – Louise in Calgary, Alberta Answer: Our …
Are We Really Man-Haters? Why People Hate the Word “Feminist”
Do you believe woman should have equal rights, opportunities, and treatment as men? Do you believe in the values of feminism? If yes, do you openly identify as a feminist? For a long time, feminists have had a bad reputation… but why? Why do people who believe in the core values of feminism shy away from identifying as feminists? In …
How to Disengage from a Hostile Stranger
Yesterday I struck up a casual conversation with another person in the checkout line. Somehow the conversation turned to an ugly anti-feminist rant by this hostile stranger. I kept my mouth shut, but I was filled with rage. I noticed she paid with a credit card, which women could not even have until feminists fought for and won the right …
How to Find Your Purpose and Feel Fulfilled
“I’ve been out of work for over a year now. I’ve tried volunteering for various organizations to gain experience and make connections. I’m fortunate that my husband makes a good income and is completely supportive. While I don’t need to work, I feel uncomfortable and bad when people ask what I do. I wish I could find a purpose so …
How to Buy a Car, Part 3: Which Is Better, New or Used?
Is there a more intimidating shopping experience than buying a car? Considering that most of us will buy a car in our lifetime, the stress that many feel towards the purchase is extreme. But does it have to be? This three-part series talks about how to research your car-buying, how to have the best experience at a dealership, and how …
How to Buy a Car, Part 2: An Edge When it’s Time to Buy
Is there a more intimidating shopping experience than buying a car? Considering that most of us will buy a car in our lifetime, the stress that many feel towards the purchase is extreme. But does it have to be? This three-part series talks about how to research your car-buying, how to have the best experience at a dealership, and how …
Breaking My Leg While Working On My Master’s Thesis Taught Me That I Can Handle A Lot
I broke my leg really badly when I was in Spain doing my master’s program. I had to get surgery and now sport 7 screws and a plate in my leg. When I first started my recovery process, I only focused on two things: being able to walk again and finishing my master’s thesis. In the beginning, it was really …