Types of Meditation for a Healthy Body and Mind

Types of Meditation for a Healthy Body and Mind

Meditation is more than just a way to relax. It’s also an excellent tool for managing stress, monitoring your own thoughts, and improving your general well-being. The practice has several different varieties, each with its own set of benefits. These days, meditation is becoming increasingly popular among people of all ages and interests. More and more research studies are being …

Why Your Inter-Personal Relationships Unwittingly Lead to Burnout - Dr. Cassandra LeClair

Why Your Inter-Personal Relationships Unwittingly Lead to Burnout

Where does burnout come from? Perhaps your first answer might be too much work and not enough time to rest and recharge. However, your inter-personal relationships can also play a big role. How can they unwittingly burn you out? We spoke with communication expert Dr. Cassandra LeClair about inter-personal relationships and how to make them healthier for you. Watch our …

How to Break Through Men's Toxic Masculinity to Healthy Habits

How to Break Through Men’s Toxic Masculinity to Healthy Habits

In the past decade, there has been a lot of wonderful discussion around feminism as well as toxic masculinity. Men’s mental health is very important, and it’s finally getting needed attention. We spoke with Kirtideva Peruman about how men can attain better, healthier masculine energy, feel empowered, and turn away from the more toxic side of masculinity. Watch our podcast …

How to Inspire Advocacy Impact with Heart Centered Music & Story - Rachelle Babler

How to Inspire Advocacy Impact with Heart Centered Music & Story

Music is more powerful than you may realize. It can soundtrack good times, be something you turn to when you’re upset, and drastically alter how you interpret a movie scene. (For real: Horror films rely on spooky vibes soundtracks!) However, music can also be used for bigger movements, like advocacy and societal change. How would you like to have your …

How to Accept Yourself Fully and Connect to Your True Authentic Self - Barbera Schouten

How to Accept Yourself Fully and Connect to Your True Authentic Self

Are you true to yourself? Do you like who you are? Many of us struggle with confidence and self-love. It’s so easy to compare ourselves to others and zero in on the ways we feel lacking. But we should all celebrate our individuality. How can you learn to accept yourself fully and connect with your true, authentic self? We spoke …

Break Free From Expectations & Live the Life You Were Meant

Break Free From Expectations & Live the Life You Were Meant

From the time we’re young, most of us have expectations put upon us about what we’ll do with our lives. Sometimes those expectations come from ourselves, sometimes they’re from family members or teachers, and sometimes they’re from society or our culture. But as we grow into ourselves, those expectations might not fit with what we really want in life. How …

Modern Creative Methods to Grow Your Child Mindset

Modern Creative Methods to Grow Your Child Mindset

As a parent, one of your biggest responsibilities is to guide the development of your child’s mindset. For your child to have a successful future, they need a growth mindset more than anything else. They need a positive self-image and self-confidence that can help them overcome obstacles and achieve success in life. If you want to help create this mindset …

How to Assess Your ADHD Symptoms For Free

How to Assess Your ADHD Symptoms For Free

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is one of the most common mental disorders in the world. ADHD affects over eight percent of children and about four percent of adults worldwide. Most ADHD symptoms appear at a young age. Lack of knowledge on this disorder has led to many people mislabelling it as one’s personality. High Functioning ADHD Symptoms High-functioning ADHD …

How Intentional Gratitude Can Ease Depression - Deborah Hawkins

How Intentional Gratitude Can Ease Depression

Many of us combat depression, whether situational or chronic. It can be particularly difficult around the holidays or in the cold winter months. When medication and therapy aren’t enough, what other options can help to ease your depression? We spoke with Deborah Hawkins about the method that ultimately helped her: intentional gratitude. On our new podcast, she shares how being …

How to Stop Binge Eating and Achieve Your Goal Weight - Dr. Glenn Livingston

How to Stop Binge Eating and Achieve Your Goal Weight

Do you have a tendency to binge eat or overeat? You’re not alone! Millions of people – in America and around the world – struggle with their eating habits. It can be hard to understand why you make these eating choices, and moreover, difficult to change course. We spoke with Dr. Glenn Livingston about how he went from regularly binge …

Can Intuitive Healing Really Connect Us With Our Fuzzy Friends? - Lesley Nase

Can Intuitive Healing Really Connect Us With Our Fuzzy Friends?

We all want what’s best for our pets, and when something is wrong, we’ll do everything in our power to make them feel better again. But what do you do when traditional medicine and veterinary care aren’t helping? We spoke with Lesley Nase, an expert in intuitive healing and animal communication, about how she helps animals via an alternative method. …