One of the toughest aspects of being a small business owner is keeping your finances in order, both in terms of increasing revenue and cutting costs. Many struggle to find new profit opportunities and aren’t even aware of the many ways to save money. We spoke with Salim Omar, a CPA who helps small businesses attain financial health and security. …
What Are the ABCs of Effective Communication in the Workplace?
There are few skills more important to master than that of communication. Indeed, it is foundational to everything, including success in the workplace. But communication is as easy as A-B-C, right? Well, not quite. We spoke with Mpume Ncube-Daka about the art of effective communication. With the right tools, you can excel in your communication… and in your career. Watch …
How to Find Career Happiness & Success on Your Own Terms
For most of us, a dream job is one in which we feel fulfilled, happy, and successful in our work. Yet even when in their desired career path, many don’t see the results or feel the joy they’d expected. What’s going wrong? How can you attain that career happiness on your own terms? We spoke with career coach Terry B. …
Why a Chair of Joy Helps You Feel Better Now
We all feel negative emotions, from stress to anger to sadness, and this impacts us both in our private life and at work. How can we let go of the negativity and feel better almost instantly? We spoke with Sheryl Lynn, the founder of JOYELY. Through her Chair of Joy, she helps people improve their mood in just 60 seconds, …
What Actions to Take When Unexpected Blocks Test Your Progress
If you’re ambitious and goal-oriented, you probably like to see yourself progressing each year, getting ever closer to your next achievement. However, unexpected blocks can certainly put a damper on things. How do you get around these obstacles? When your progress is tested, what actions can you take to get back on track? We spoke with business consultant Crista Grasso …
How You Improve Conversations With CORE Communication Skills
Having quality conversations with people can sometimes be tricky, and that’s certainly true in the business world. How can you ensure that they’re effective and meaningful for all involved parties? You can start by improving your CORE communication skills. What does that mean and how can you take valuable strides now? We spoke with our returning guest Lesley Nase to …
Why Planning and Producing Virtual Events Unlock Your Business Growth
Virtual events have been on the rise in recent years, and not just because of the pandemic. Like in-person events, they can be an excellent way to connect with others and grow your business. However, virtual events have the added benefit of being accessible to people far and wide – anyone can attend, regardless of where they are. How can …
Why Entrepreneurship is a Good Life for You, Your Family, Community, & World
Do you have an entrepreneurial idea? Do you have what it takes to launch and run your own business? While entrepreneurship can, of course, be an amazing choice for yourself and your own career, it can also be beneficial for those around you: your family, your community, even the world. How can you ensure your business has a positive impact …
How to Break Free With Energy First When You’re Stuck, No Matter Your Effort
Many of us reach a point where we feel stuck – in our lives or in our careers. Sometimes we’re in our own way and don’t know how to break free. We spoke with Linda Binns, an energy coach, about how you can go from stuck to unstoppable… how you can thrive and feel free. Do you want to break …
How Communication Mastery Creates a More Enjoyable, Profitable Workplace
As they say, communication is key. Indeed, most of us recognize the value of clear communication, whether in business or in interpersonal relationships more generally. Even so, many of us still struggle with this invaluable soft skill. How can we finally achieve communication mastery? We spoke with Emmeline Saavedra, an expert on communication, leadership, and sales. She shares how you …
How to Identify the Inborn Sabotaging Trait Stopping Your Success
Many of us are ambitious and striving for success in our careers. Whether that means climbing the corporate ladder or starting your own business, we all have goals. But if you’re struggling to achieve them, it may be possible you have an “inborn sabotaging trait” that’s getting in the way. What is that? How do you identify it? We spoke …
How to Create Work-Life Balance While Living With an Invisible Disability
Work-life balance is important for all of us, but especially for anyone living with an invisible disability or undiagnosed disability. How can we foster balance in our workplace and persona life? We spoke with Jill D. Griffin about why it’s so essential and just how to achieve balance. Watch our podcast with Jill D. Griffin to learn about working with …
You’ve Earned It! How to Work Less and Make More Money
Most of us would love to work less and make more money. More bang for your buck, if you will. Alas, this dream can seem all too elusive; otherwise more of us would be doing exactly that! Luckily, it is achievable. How, you ask? We spoke with Christine Hansen, an award-winning business coach, on the strategies you can implement today …
How to Infuse Your Brand With Social Responsibility
You may think your business must focus only on growing, getting better, and being a good workplace for your employees. But in reality, your business also has a social responsibility, and your branding is key in communicating that. We spoke with Marla Diann, an international business strategist, about how to make sure your brand demonstrates social responsibility. Watch our podcast …
How Entrepreneurship Can Make Women More Equal and Free
Feminism isn’t new, but after decades and centuries of fighting for equality, we still have much progress to make. One way that women can find more freedom and equality is through starting their own businesses. How is that? We spoke with Dr. Debra Muth about why entrepreneurship is so powerful in giving women agency and leveling the playing field. Watch …
How to Bounce Back From Disappointments and Thrive
Most of us have faced setbacks and disappointments in life. Our journey is not a straight line from Point A to Point B. Rather, it’s a messy swirl through ups and downs, sometimes moving one step forward and two steps back. It can be difficult while you’re moving backward or feeling stuck; you can feel like a failure. So how …
Your Secret Superpower: How to Promote LGBTQ+ Leadership and Inclusion
In the past several years, there has been much discussion on the need to foster more inclusive workplaces, with special attention on general Diversity and Inclusion practices. However, we also need to see more diversity in leadership roles. Indeed, managerial-level diversity can be most instrumental in creating workplace environments that truly are inclusive of all kinds of people. One specific …
How to Rewire Your Brain to Become Immune to Impostor Syndrome!
So many of us battle impostor syndrome. Believe it or not, it’s especially common among people who have attained higher-level positions in their career. Why do so many of us doubt ourselves despite our achievements? How can we overcome these feelings that hold us back? We spoke with Michele Molitor about how to identify the triggers that cause impostor syndrome …
How to Excel as a Female Leader Regardless of Your Enneagram Type
Have you ever wondered how to manage gender expectations as a female leader, even if your Enneagram type’s gifts don’t align with gender norms? Look no further! We spoke with Kelli Thompson about how to harness your powers and excel as a leader, regardless of your personality type. To find out all about Enneagram types and women leadership, watch our …
The Heart of a Leader: How Empathy and Compassion Give You the Advantage
Who are the best leaders? The ones who inspire their teams to achieve greatness? What qualities do these leaders have? In the corporate world, it can seem that there is a disconnect between management and the employees. But what if we told you there was a better way? We spoke with Wade Thomas about the most important leadership qualities: empathy …