My mother has the most obnoxious barking dog. The dog barks nonstop at a high pitch. It’s impossible to have a conversation with her in person or on the phone. I know she loves the dog, but what can I do? I want to have my mom talks back! – Leesa in Bar Harbor, Maine Answer: Throughout our lives we …
Do Something About It: How to Conquer Life’s Curveballs
We all know life can be hectic – it’s often sleep, eat, work, with some attempts at getting your other chores to fit into the schedule. Our lives are generally organized in terms of our budget, time schedule, and tasks, and those plans can be tight and unyielding. That’s why when something goes awry, it can leave us feeling panicked …
Is There Ever Enough Time in a Day?
I’m having a hard time managing all the things I want and need to do every day. How can I juggle a full-time job, keeping my home clean, regular exercise, making myself some healthy meals, and the hobbies I’m passionate about, all while maintaining relationships with my friends? There just doesn’t seem to be enough time in the day! – …
Because You’re Worth It: Self-Care and Your Busy Schedule
Who has time for self-care? I am a busy woman – I work as a tutor at my university, I am a content developer here at Petite2Queen, and I am conducting PhD research. My days are scheduled from 7 am to 9 pm, so it’s go-go-go for me. It’s a lot, but I don’t consider myself unique in this; there …
How to Meet the Neighbors and Break the Ice
I’m new to the area and therefore my apartment building. I’m nervous about meeting my neighbors. How do I break the ice? – Connie in Palmer, AK Answer: Lots of people feel nervous about meeting new people. Neighbors, co-workers, gym members, or anyone who participates in a shared activity are all waiting for the other person to make the first …
How to Start Making Friends in a New City
I recently moved to a new area where I don’t know anyone. I’ve always been shy, but I want to make some new friends. How and where can I meet new people? How do I develop friendships now that I’m out of school? – Riley in Tucson, AZ Answer: Moving to a new area is packed with emotions, from excitement …
Keep Trying New Things – No Matter What!
How do you keep life exciting? In my mind, the most important action you can take is to not only seize every opportunity to try new things, but to make opportunities for yourself. Think about the bucket list of activities you’ve always wanted to try out. What are you waiting for? Why don’t you go out and check one of …
How Can I Stop Being Jealous of My Friends?
I feel bad admitting it, but I’m jealous of my friends’ lives. It seems that everyone I know is getting their dream job, traveling to a dazzling country, getting married, or otherwise living an exciting, happy life. I feel like I don’t measure up. How can I get over my envy and be happy with what I do have? – …
Get it Together: De-Clutter Your Life
You’ve probably heard the phrase “less is more.” Perhaps you’ve heard it in terms of fashion, packing for trips, or decorating your home. While “less is more” is certainly not always true, working to de-clutter your life will inevitably bring you more happiness and tranquility. De-Clutter Your Things I come from a family of packrats. Generation upon generation, my kin …
How to Navigate Holiday Politics in a Divided Family
The holidays are just around the corner, and I’m stressed about the political conversations that will certainly come up. My family has very strong political opinions, and they’re very different from my own. I hate engaging in these conversations and would rather avoid them altogether. How can I politely tune my family out when politics come up? – Andi in …
Yikes! How to Handle Bigotry in Your Family
Whether we’ve lived it or just seen it on TV, we all know the awkwardness and anger that can arise when a family member says something bigoted. Whether it’s a malicious tirade or a casual stereotype, it can make us squirm thinking about dealing with it. How are you supposed to respond? How can you handle bigotry in your family? …
How to Become an Event Planning Superstar!
It’s that time of year again: Holiday parties, family get-togethers, and meet-ups with friends are going to fill your calendar until the new year hits. You may be attending most of them, but you may also be planning to host one of your own. But what if you’ve never organized an event before? Don’t you worry! We have just the …
How to Rethink Your Routine to Gain More Control
We’ve all been there: feeling completely out of control and wondering how to get back on track. It’s normal to feel a lack of agency over your life, especially when so much truly is out of your hands. You can’t force a hiring manager to pick you, and you can’t foresee a flat tire wrecking your carefully-planned schedule and budget. …
Help! My Boyfriend is Allergic to My Pets
I’ve always loved pets, and have a cat and dog. My boyfriend of 2 years wants to move in with me… but he’s allergic to animals. I can’t imagine giving up my furry babies. How can we live together despite his allergies? – Janie in Norfolk, NE Answer: Janie, I’m so glad to hear your commitment to your pets loud …
To Rent or to Own Your Home: Which Freedom Do You Need?
My sister, Amanda, and I had an interesting conversation several months ago. She and her husband were hoping to buy a house soon (and, indeed, recently did), but I remained dubious about the prospect of owning a home. Perhaps some of this is due to coming of age during the Great Recession, haunted by the housing bubble that burst with …
How to Find Happiness Beyond a Mundane Job
My job is mundane and I’m struggling to find purpose in my life. What are your ideas? – Roberta in Loveland, CO Answer: I know that having a mundane job can really seem soul-crushing and cause you to feel lost. Sometimes, your job may feel so mundane that you can’t think of anything that would make it more interesting. Other …
How to Always Keep Learning & Growing
When I finished college, graduation was a bittersweet ceremony. I was ecstatic to finally have earned my degree, yet I was sad that my years of learning were over. Luckily, it didn’t take long for me to realize I could continue my education – if in a looser, more informal way! One of the most important things we can do …
Happily Single: How to Make Your Family Understand
I’m single – and happily so – but it seems that no one else can understand how I’m content without a partner. Family members are constantly asking when I’ll get a boyfriend, and friends try to set me up on dates or get me to use dating apps. How can I make it clear to my family and friends that …
The Art of Conversation: How to Speak Well & Listen Better
The value of good conversation skills cannot be understated. While we live in a society that encourages and fosters excellent speaking, there’s another aspect of conversation that’s even more important: listening. They say there’s a reason we have two ears and one mouth. To get anywhere in life, it’s important that you develop the art of active listening in addition …
How Can I Ensure Easy Relationship With Poor Boyfriend and Rich Parents?
I’ve been dating my boyfriend for almost a year, and I’m ready for him to meet my family. The problem is, my boyfriend works in construction, and I’m in a family of lawyers and doctors. I worry they’ll look down on him, or worse, won’t think we should even be together. How should I handle this so everyone gets along …