3 Ways Neurodivergent Entrepreneurs Do Business Differently - Jonathan Stewart

3 Ways Neurodivergent Entrepreneurs Do Business Differently

It is estimated that between 15 and 20 percent of the world’s population is neurodivergent, a term which includes those with autism spectrum disorder, ADD or ADHD, dyslexia, Tourette syndrome, and more. Many who are neurodivergent become excellent leaders and even start their own businesses. How do neurodivergent entrepreneurs do business differently? What unique perspectives and skills set them apart? …

Why Storytellers Sell More and Have More Fun Doing It - Tom Ruwitch

Why Storytellers Sell More and Have More Fun Doing It

What is the surest way to connect with people? How do we learn valuable lessons as children and form bonds with characters and brands as adults? The answer: stories! Indeed, the best way to sell a product or service is to speak to your prospects’ emotions, and you do that through the stories you tell. Not only is this a …

The Magic Solution of Time, Organization, and ROI - Arliss Dudley-Cash

The Magic Solution of Time, Organization, and ROI

Did you know that your ROI can be directly linked to how well you manage your time? Indeed, good time management and overall organization cannot be overstated. They are the magic solution to business success, and nailing down both can do wonders for your bottom line. We spoke with Arliss Dudley-Cash, a business consultant, about how to improve your processes …

Why is Emotional Intelligence Needed for Effective Writing? - Erin Lebacqz

Why is Emotional Intelligence Needed for Effective Writing?

What does it take to be an effective writer? One of the most important ingredients is understanding your audience, and for that, having good emotional intelligence is key. Most of us can benefit from improving our emotional intelligence, and that work can lead to better writing and greater impact from your words. How can you accomplish all of this? We …

How TEDx Can Help Grow Your Business—Before You Ever Set Foot On Stage! - Cathlyn Melvin

How TEDx Can Grow Your Business—Before You Ever Set Foot On Stage!

One of the make-it-or-break-it goals of a business is to garner interest and traction. Indeed, in order to make a sale, you first need clients. For many, it helps to get in front of an audience and share your knowledge. A TEDx stage may be the perfect platform, and it can help grow your business, even before you’ve set a …

Your Secret Superpower- How to Promote LGBTQ+ Leadership and Inclusion - Dr. Steve Yacovelli

Your Secret Superpower: How to Promote LGBTQ+ Leadership and Inclusion

In the past several years, there has been much discussion on the need to foster more inclusive workplaces, with special attention on general Diversity and Inclusion practices. However, we also need to see more diversity in leadership roles. Indeed, managerial-level diversity can be most instrumental in creating workplace environments that truly are inclusive of all kinds of people. One specific …