How to Reach Consensus and Cultivate Your Client Impact

How to Reach Consensus and Cultivate Your Client Impact

Our Get More Clients program educates, inspires, and motivates women around the world to build a robust sales strategy to get more clients because MOST can’t get more clients and haven’t a clue why. By joining Lynn—our star sales consultant—you will learn to transform thinking to the client’s perspective and end sales chaos with a robust strategic plan to harvest …

What is Your Relational Capital and Why Does it Matter?

What is Your Relational Capital and Why Does it Matter?

How we communicate is everything. Sales professionals must know how to make people feel seen, heard, and valued. Not valued as in a potential commission check – valued as a person. By demonstrating your worthy intent through verbal and nonverbal cues, you build relational capital that will boon your career success. In this episode of Get More Clients, Superstar Sales …

Why Your Worthy Intent Builds Strong Lasting Relationships

Why Your Worthy Intent Builds Strong Lasting Relationships

Intentions matter, and good intentions always prevail. We at Petite2Queen are against sleazy, scammy sales techniques. We believe that sales relationships are true partnerships, and sales professionals’ role is to help clients and customers get solutions to their problems. This is called “worthy intent.” In today’s episode of Get More Clients, Superstar Sales Consultant Lynn Whitbeck tells you why approaching …

How to Leverage Affirmations to Break Free From What’s Holding You Back

How to Leverage Affirmations to Break Free From What’s Holding You Back

You are an amazing sales professional. You are smart, you are genuine, and you are helpful. You are amazing at networking, and a pro at helping your clients reach their goals. You know what these statements are? Affirmations, and you should never underestimate the power of positive self-talk. In this episode of Get More Clients, Superstar Sales Consultant Lynn Whitbeck …

Break Free From Imposter Syndrome in Sales with Confident Follow-Up

Break Free From Imposter Syndrome with Confident Followup

Follow-up is hard – or maybe you just think it is. A common challenge for many sales professionals is feeling like they don’t know enough to conduct useful and effective follow-up. Impostor syndrome is a common ailment among sales professionals, but it can be defeated! Today, you’ll learn how. In this week’s episode of Get More Clients, Superstar Sales Consultant …

Introspection Clarity and How it Delivers Powerful and Proven Advantages

Introspection Clarity and How it Delivers Powerful and Proven Advantages

“Know thyself.” You’ve probably heard this maxim before – it’s been used for millennia (literally). It was important in Ancient Greece, and it’s important today’s sales professionals. Introspection is a vital tool to master in your journey to becoming achieving maximum success in sales. Let us show you how. In this today’s of Get More Clients, Superstar Sales Consultant Lynn …

Petite2queen Sales Consultants

Understanding Yourself to Accelerate Sales and Business Growth

To learn how to become the best sales professional you can be, you must learn who you are. By understanding yourself, you can identify opportunities for growth and learn to use your greatest strengths. In this episode of Get More Clients, Superstar Sales Consultant Lynn Whitbeck tells you why learning about yourself is vital to your success. This work involves …

Strategic Sales Planning Your Client's journey

How Your Client’s Journey Boosts Profits with Raving Fans, Reviews, and Referrals

We all want them – raving fans. People who talk you up to anyone who will listen. Such people will boost your sales and profits exponentially. But how do you get them? You give them an amazing client experience, of course! In this today’s of Get More Clients, Superstar Sales Consultant Lynn Whitbeck shares the importance of your client experience …

Using Emotions and Motivations to Attract, Connect, and Convert Clients

Using Emotions and Motivations to Attract, Connect, and Convert Clients

We are emotional creatures. Our feelings influence most of our decisions, and the same is true for your potential customers. Luckily, if you are able to speak to those emotions, you will be able to convert clients into buying – and returning – customers. In today’s episode of Get More Clients, Superstar Sales Consultant Lynn Whitbeck expands on the Client …

How to Spotlight Your Client’s Perspective to Drive Results Now

How to Spotlight Your Client’s Perspective to Drive Results Now

People generally have reasons behind their actions. They have motivations and methods for you to consider. The only way to guide potential customers to solutions you can provide, you must understand the client’s perspective. Thinking like the client is your best bet at meeting their needs. In this episode of Get More Clients, Superstar Sales Consultant Lynn Whitbeck helps you …