Getting to Yes - Best 3 Closing Methods to Win with Integrity

Getting to Yes – Best 3 Closing Methods to Win with Integrity

Why do people buy things? Why do businesses pay for professional services? To accomplish a goal. What you are providing as a sales professional are solutions. You supply what your clients and customers want, need, or lack. People and corporations invest in your solutions so they can… reduce inefficiencies, or focus time on other things, or create a certain reputation. …

How a 5-Point Paradigm Helps You Create Success Out of Chaos

How a 5-Point Paradigm Helps You Create Success Out of Chaos

Life can get chaotic. Small things like appointments, chores, and works tasks add up and become unmanageable. Sometimes pretty major problems arise, from collapsed relationships to serious illnesses and more. With everything spiralling out of control, coming out on top can seem impossible. It’s not. We spoke with Dr. Robyn Odegaard, who has a lot of experience with chaos, about …

How to Stack Your Yeses and Win More Clients

How to Stack Your Yeses and Win More Clients

Authenticity and worthy intent are key to being a successful – and respectable – sales professional. By maintaining your integrity and focus on your client’s needs, you will be able to close more deals. A main advantage is being able to stack your yeses to reach a satisfying solution. In this episode of Get More Clients, Superstar Sales Consultant Lynn …

How to Generate Quality Leads with Highly Effective Outreach

How to Generate Quality Leads with Highly Effective Outreach

The best way to grow a business is to get more clients. Easier said than done, right? No more! In this conversation between superstar sales consultant Lynn Whitbeck and communications expert Lesley Nase, they reveal their secrets to effective outreach. You want to reach the people who want and need what you’re offering. Find out how to think like your …

3 Reliable Negotiation Techniques Where Everyone Wins

3 Reliable Negotiation Techniques Where Everyone Wins

We all like to win. You want to succeed as a sales professional (that’s why you’re here!). Your clients want to get what they want. But you know what you should want the most? A mutually satisfying deal between you and your client. The key to succeeding here is top notch negotiation techniques. In this episode of Get More Clients, …

For You: Big Reveal of Fortune 500 Negotiating Secrets

For You: Big Reveal of Fortune 500 Negotiating Secrets

As you well know, negotiating is a major part of sales. Knowing how to reach a satisfactory agreement is a vital skill for a successful sales career. Luckily for you, we have the secrets for closing big deals – Fortune 500 secrets. In this episode of Get More Clients, Superstar Sales Consultant Lynn Whitbeck and special guest Lesley Nase tell …

How You Guide & Steer Negotiations From a Strong Position

How You Guide & Steer Negotiations From a Strong Position

Negotiation is a powerful skill in a sales professional’s arsenal. Some discussions will feel like choosing a brunch spot with your best friends, others like a hostage situation. As you work toward a solution that makes everyone happy, skillfully steer negotiations with integrity and good will. That’s how you get the happiest brunchers! In this episode of Get More Clients, …

6 Secrets to Handle Stupid Questions From Smart People

6 Secrets to Handle Stupid Questions From Smart People

You’ve probably heard that there are no such things as stupid questions. You probably also know that that’s… not quite true. And hey, we all do it. It’s better to ask than be left confused about something that seems obvious to other people. We’ve also all received silly questions that leave us dumbfounded, especially if that daft question came from …

Why Confidence & the Powerful Pause are Crucial to Resolve Objections

Why Confidence & the Powerful Pause are Crucial to Resolve Objections

Uh-oh! You’re pitching your product and/or service to a potential client, but they’re a bit skeptical. They have some concerns that you need to address. You know your stuff, but wait a second before you answer! Let us introduce you to the Powerful Pause and how it can help turn an objection to a “hell yes!” In this episode of …

3 Deal Point Factors You Must Master for Better Sales

3 Deal Point Factors You Must Master for Better Sales

We don’t always like it, but it’s important to get into the nitty-gritty to get better sales. When you’re closing a sale, the devil’s in the details, so you better know your deal point factors! What are deal point factors, you ask? Well, allow us to tell you! In this episode of Get More Clients, Superstar Sales Consultant Lynn Whitbeck …

Fortune 500 Sales Secrets Translated for Your Growth

Fortune 500 Sales Secrets Translated for Your Growth

Some of us want to sell to large, wealthy corporations. Some of us prefer to help small businesses and startups. Even if you want to serve the up-and-coming companies, however, you can benefit from the secrets held by sales professional working with Fortune 500 companies. Luckily for you, you can learn some here and now. In this episode of Get …

How Impostor Syndrome Shows Up in Your Sales Success

How Impostor Syndrome Shows Up in Your Sales Success

You’re an amazing salesperson – really the bee’s knees. And hopefully you know that, right down to your bones! Or maybe you don’t believe that and think I’ve just been tricked into thinking you’re great. That’s called impostor syndrome. Lots of sale professionals deal with it, but you don’t have to! In this episode of Get More Clients, guest Rachel …

Be Prepared! How to Budget Like a Pro and Tackle Life's Expenses - Amanda and Rachel Whitbeck

Be Prepared! How to Budget Like a Pro and Tackle Life’s Expenses

Life is expensive, and managing your finances can be a struggle. What should you do when unexpected expenses come up? How should you save for your future? On this episode of Claim Your Career Crown, Amanda and Rachel Whitbeck discuss how to budget according to your circumstances and goals. In no time, you’ll be on track to tackle whatever life …

What is MEDDPICC and How Does it Multiply Your Growth? - David Weiss

What is MEDDPICC and How Does it Multiply Your Growth?

Sales is an ever-evolving exercise, and if you care deeply about your job, you’re always learning new ways to improve or streamline your method. One process that can greatly improve your growth is MEDDPICC. What is that and how does it work? We spoke with sales expert David Weiss about this valuable sales strategy and how you can incorporate it …

Your Mindset, Power Skills, and Habits for Thriving Sales PERFORMANCE

Your Mindset, Power Skills, and Habits for Thriving Sales PERFORMANCE

The truth is that sometimes we can get in our own way. We can sabotage our own sales performance through self-doubt and decision paralysis. But you don’t have to get stuck here! There are ways to get you around your blockages, and you’ll learn about them here. In this episode of Get More Clients, Superstar Sales Consultant Lynn Whitbeck tells …