No matter what society has told us throughout our lives, women are powerful, brave, and remarkably strong. It’s true in real life, and it’s so important to see these women in our media, too. This spring, we want to shine a light on some of our favorite movies led by inspiring woman characters. We picked 25 films that highlight the …
No, Yoga Is Not the Cure: How to Handle Unsolicited Mental Health Advice
It’s a story I’ve shared in our book, Practical Wisdoms @ Work: someone who held authority in my life told me that, while it was okay that I was on antidepressants at the time, I shouldn’t be on them for more than a year. Here’s another story: while discussing my depression and mental health, a family member told my sister …
How to Bounce Back from Your Quarter-Life Crisis
After finally getting a good job in my industry in 2016, by early 2017 I realized it was making me miserable. At the encouragement of my family and after a lot of reflection, I resigned from my position. But instead of feeling free to pursue new opportunities, all I felt was crushing certainty that I had somehow failed. I felt …
5 Ways to Engage with an Argument Dodger
Disagreements are a natural part of life. As we are not automatons, people have varying opinions and sets of values. Invariably, you will face disagreements with the people you are close to, and some of these disagreements will grow heated and become arguments. This is not something to fear, but it is a challenge that must be tackled if you …
I Love You But I Hate Your Boyfriend: How to Show She Deserves Better
What do you do when someone you care deeply about is in a relationship with someone who’s just… terrible? We all know the trope of an evil step-mother, and many of us have suffered after our parents’ divorce and their subsequent relationships with lame creeps. Most of us have had friends with awful boyfriends or girlfriends. You may even have …
3 Tricks to Make Life More Manageable When You Feel Overwhelmed
Life has a way of becoming overwhelming. It seems that there’s more and more to do the older you get, especially once you start living on your own. Your to-do list grows out of control, and eventually the amount of time it would take to get it all done exceeds the amount of time you have left until retirement. Just …
How do You Feel About Makeup: Love It or Hate It?
From Alicia Keys in 2017 to South Korean women today, we are seeing a vocalization of anti-makeup sentiment around the world. When Keys stopped wearing makeup (for the most part), her decision drew a lot of commentary. Some people thought it was brave and innovative, while others called it a pointless move. Still others considered the move performative and hollow. …
How to Buy a Car, Part 3: Which Is Better, New or Used?
Is there a more intimidating shopping experience than buying a car? Considering that most of us will buy a car in our lifetime, the stress that many feel towards the purchase is extreme. But does it have to be? This three-part series talks about how to research your car-buying, how to have the best experience at a dealership, and how …
How to Buy a Car, Part 2: An Edge When it’s Time to Buy
Is there a more intimidating shopping experience than buying a car? Considering that most of us will buy a car in our lifetime, the stress that many feel towards the purchase is extreme. But does it have to be? This three-part series talks about how to research your car-buying, how to have the best experience at a dealership, and how …
Breaking My Leg While Working On My Master’s Thesis Taught Me That I Can Handle A Lot
I broke my leg really badly when I was in Spain doing my master’s program. I had to get surgery and now sport 7 screws and a plate in my leg. When I first started my recovery process, I only focused on two things: being able to walk again and finishing my master’s thesis. In the beginning, it was really …
How to Buy a Car, Part 1: Research Is Your Friend
Is there a more intimidating shopping experience than buying a car? Considering that most of us will buy a car in our lifetime, the stress that many feel towards the purchase is extreme. But does it have to be? This three-part series talks about how to research your car-buying, how to have the best experience at a dealership, and how …
How Pokémon Go Unexpectedly Helped My Daughter & Me Heal After Tragedy
For those of you who follow our podcasts and webinars, you are sure to have picked up that I play Pokémon Go. In fact, I’m a big fan and love the game. What you may not know is how and why I started playing. My motivations were and still are love, support, and connectivity. Loss In June of last year …
Petite2Queen’s Holiday Memories
There are so many special times and memories that make up the holiday season. We each want to share a treasured memory with you, and we invite you to share your favorite holiday memories, too. Lynn I am going to share a precious, funny, and slightly creepy memory of our last real Christmas tree. As a newlywed, I was used …