Do you know how to take care of yourself? We don’t mean just addressing your vital needs – how do you truly treat yourself? All of us need to practice self-care, but sometimes we just don’t know how or can’t fit it into our schedules. What are some of the best ways to exercise self-care? What do you need or …
Physical Tools of Liberation
What tools have been liberating for you as a woman? We’re not talking metaphorical tools, here… What have been your physical tools of liberation? Have you ever used a hammer or an electric drill? Have you ever built or fixed something on your own? While there’s the common trope of the “handyman” who can take care of his home with …
Consider These Tips Before Leaving The Nest
Moving out is a huge step in anyone’s life. How do you know when you’re ready? What should you do if you’re not? Once you’ve decided to rent your own home, there will be plenty of logistics to sort out and plan for. On top of this, how will you handle the emotional impact of leaving the nest? Whether you’re …
We All Make Bad Decisions. Why is it So Hard to Admit It?
We all make bad decisions from time to time. So why is it so hard to admit our faults and that we need to change course? Why do we sometimes think they have to live with those bad choices? As much as we all hate being wrong, avoid the urge to dig yourself a deeper hole. Here’s how you can …
Sentimental or Useless: When Should I Let Go of Old Things?
For many of us, letting go of old things is difficult. So many of us are pack rats, and we still treasure a lot of the things we hold onto. But do all of these things really hold sentimental value? How do you determine whether it’s worth keeping? How do you decide what’s truly special, and what’s actually useless to …
What are You Destined to Become?
Ralph Waldo Emerson famously said, “The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be.” It sounds so simple, yet it also means that who you become is up to you. It all depends on the choices you make each day. How realistic is this concept of self-determination? How does it play out in your …
Why to Always Choose and Practice Kindness
You know what your mother used to say: “If you can’t say anything nice, don’t say anything at all.” Unfortunately, so many of us forget this sentiment. And given the current social climate, kindness can feel even farther away than ever. How can you infuse your life with kindness, no matter where you go or who you’re with? How do …
The Puzzle of Motivation & Productivity
We’ve probably all felt it: the struggle of finding motivation to act in order to achieve your goals. We all want to reach for the stars and check things off our to-do lists. And yet, having the time, inspiration, and willpower – all at once – can be a challenge. Motivation wanes. How can you overcome this struggle? How can …
Can Money Buy Happiness? The Importance of Cash in Our Lives
People have been saying for years that money doesn’t buy happiness. But is this actually true? Like it or not, money is a part of our society. We require it to pay bills, eat, and travel. How much cash leads to happiness? If financial stability or excess doesn’t buy happiness, then what does? Or is money one of many necessary …
Social Media: Is it Toxic or is it Actually Inclusive?
Most of us use social media on a daily basis. From the obsessive poster with a huge following to the reluctant interloper, people use social media for a variety of purposes. It may be to keep up with friends or colleagues. It may be to keep tabs on what’s going in the world. For many, it’s a way to document …
What are Emotional and Social Intelligence?
Have you heard of emotional and social intelligence? Do you know how your understanding of the two enhance your life? Emotional and Social Intelligence, or ESI, refers to the competencies linked to self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, and relationship management, which enable people to understand and manage their own and others’ emotions in social interactions. We all have different social skillsets …
Bad Friends: What to Know and When to Let Go
Some friendships are forever, but what about the ones that aren’t? Unfortunately, sometimes people grow apart as their lives diverge. Sometimes, we might even find that certain friends are bad for us. How can you identify if a friend is holding you back? And once you do realize who your bad friends are, what do you do? When should you …
Change is the Only Constant in Life
Greek philosopher Heraclitus is said to have observed, “Change is the only constant.” Indeed, it can feel like everything is always changing, and it can be hard to predict how life will turn out. How well do you respond to the changes that impact your daily life? How do you maintain a sense of stability when everything is up in …
How Decisions & Values Impact Each Other
Roy Disney once said, “It is not hard to make decisions when you know what your values are.” How much do you agree with this statement? It may depend on how well one knows their own values. But what about gray areas? Some things are more subjective. Sometimes we need to reevaluate our own values. How does that impact our …
Women are Like Teabags… Or are They?
Former First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt once said, “A woman is like a teabag – you never know how strong she is until you put her in hot water.” Are women really comparable to teabags? Indeed, women are much stronger in everyday life than we often get credit for. How does this quote speak to the way women are socialized? When …
Remember: Being Yourself is the Best Reward
What is the impression you leave with people? Writer Shannon Alder has said, “One of the greatest regrets in life is being what others would want you to be, rather than being yourself.” Being true to yourself is so important, but it can be hard. How do you find that kind of confidence? What if your true self is at …