You’ve probably heard that patience, persistence, and perspiration make an unbeatable combination for success. But does persistence really pay off in sales? There’s a fine line between being persistent… and being a nuisance. In your sales position, you want to maintain both good relationships and good results. Not sure where that line is? Lynn and Tina – both sales experts …
The Secret to Preventing Burnout at Work
For many of us, each day is just go, go, go! We’re constantly busy with our jobs, household chores, errands, and trying to fit in quality time with our loved ones and maybe a good book. When ambition runs high, we often take on more than we have time for at work. With so much on our plate, it’s easy …
Bad Friends: What to Know and When to Let Go
Some friendships are forever, but what about the ones that aren’t? Unfortunately, sometimes people grow apart as their lives diverge. Sometimes, we might even find that certain friends are bad for us. How can you identify if a friend is holding you back? And once you do realize who your bad friends are, what do you do? When should you …
What to Do When a Sale Goes Cold
We’ve all head experiences in which a sale goes cold. It can be frustrating and confusing when you and a prospect had a real connection with a spark of interest, but now the prospect has gone cold and you can’t get a pulse. What do you do when they’re suddenly ghosting you? Lynn and Tina have both been there. They …
We Must Stop Shifting the Blame on Sexual Harassment
Accounts of sexual harassment have been everywhere in the past few months. Harassers like Harvey Weinstein and Kevin Spacey aren’t just in the movie industry. They exist in nearly every level of every industry. Sexual harassment is a pervasive issue, and thanks in part to the #MeToo movement, there’s finally an open dialogue on a problem that should have been …
Change is the Only Constant in Life
Greek philosopher Heraclitus is said to have observed, “Change is the only constant.” Indeed, it can feel like everything is always changing, and it can be hard to predict how life will turn out. How well do you respond to the changes that impact your daily life? How do you maintain a sense of stability when everything is up in …
“If Your Dreams Don’t Scare You…”
Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, the current President of Liberia, once said, “If your dreams don’t scare you, you are not dreaming big enough.” Indeed, with so much opportunity in the world, why settle for mediocre? Aim high! How does this quote apply to women in the workplace? How can women overcome the doubts that hold them back at work? Women are …
How Decisions & Values Impact Each Other
Roy Disney once said, “It is not hard to make decisions when you know what your values are.” How much do you agree with this statement? It may depend on how well one knows their own values. But what about gray areas? Some things are more subjective. Sometimes we need to reevaluate our own values. How does that impact our …
Are Dress Codes in the Workplace Sexist?
Dress codes have been a prominent part of work culture for as long as anyone can remember. Oftentimes these guidelines are meant to ensure the employees all look neat and professional. In certain industries, it addresses safety concerns. But then there are clothing codes that are based on gender roles. How are men and women allowed to present themselves at …
Women are Like Teabags… Or are They?
Former First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt once said, “A woman is like a teabag – you never know how strong she is until you put her in hot water.” Are women really comparable to teabags? Indeed, women are much stronger in everyday life than we often get credit for. How does this quote speak to the way women are socialized? When …
Promoting Yourself is Important in Sales
Promoting yourself is a vital component of career success, especially in sales. Yet for many women in sales, self-promotion is very difficult. Women have been socialized to be modest, agreeable, and quiet, while men have been instilled with the very skills that are praised in the workplace. It’s time for ladies to feel just as confident as men. It’s time …
People Will Remember How You Made Them Feel
Poet, memoirist, and civil rights activist Maya Angelou has been attributed as saying, “People will forget the things you do, and people will forget the things you say. But people will never forget how you made them feel.” Other people have expressed similar sentiments over the years, and indeed, the words ring true. How does this idea apply in the …
Desperation Never Sells: A Better Way to Sell
You may have heard that desperation never sells. You should never let them see you sweat! Why does appearing desperate not help your sale, or even damage it? When you’re struggling to meet your quota, how do you keep that from seeping into your conversations and presentations? How can you stay positive and motivated when your sales are struggling? Find …
Addressing Women in the Workplace: Friendly or Sexist?
Have you ever thought about how women are described and addressed at work? More than men, women are often referred to with nicknames like “honey” or “missy” – but is that kind of language kind or belittling? Where is the line between appropriate and inappropriate when addressing women? How women are referred to is directly related to the respect people …
Remember: Being Yourself is the Best Reward
What is the impression you leave with people? Writer Shannon Alder has said, “One of the greatest regrets in life is being what others would want you to be, rather than being yourself.” Being true to yourself is so important, but it can be hard. How do you find that kind of confidence? What if your true self is at …