How to Propel Your Leadership Skills to the Next Level

How to Propel Your Leadership Skills to the Next Level

Earning role of leadership in your career is a goal many of us have, and rising up in your organization can be a source of great pride. But what if your promotion to a more influential position has you feeling nervous and underqualified? What if you feel that you lack management skills? Don’t worry! We spoke with leadership coach Grace Judson about how you can gain these valuable leadership skills and become a better manager.

A self-described “leadership geek,” Grace offers training, coaching, and consulting services to help people in the transition from team member and individual contributor to manager and leader. We were glad to have her on our latest podcast to talk all things leadership.

Grace has said that bad managers create bad experiences for their employees, while good management tends to create a better working atmosphere. You, like us, can probably relate to that! We start our discussion with why and how management quality and style impact the whole team.

Now, why do some managers feel lost and overwhelmed when they take on a leadership position? Is it simply lack of practice? Does it come from not having enough confidence, or perhaps poor communication? Grace describes the top reasons why managers don’t always know how to lead… and how they can overcome that obstacle. In some ways, it’s especially important to own your career path, or be intentional about your leadership journey.

In her leadership coaching, Grace offers a full alphabet of leadership attributes. She goes into some detail about a few of her favorites during this podcast, but be sure to review the full alphabet here.

Grace also talks about the value of good communication. Indeed, it’s another key component of quality leadership. How can new leaders assess their communication skills and improve on them in order to lead better? Grace offers some great wisdom here. You can also take her communication quiz on her website!

Finally, we discuss the elephant in the room: Women and leadership. For women, stepping into a leadership position can be particularly challenging due to gender-related expectations and perceptions. Grace shares some advice for women who want to succeed as leaders in today’s world. 

How to Propel Your Leadership Skills to the Next Level - Good Manager

Be sure to check out Grace Judson’s official website and find a wealth of knowledge in her videos on YouTube.

Are you ready to take your leadership skills to the next level? Listen to our full interview with Grace Judson in the podcast below:

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  1. Pingback: Interview: Uplevel your leadership skills | Grace Judson

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