Is there a more intimidating shopping experience than buying a car? Considering that most of us will buy a car in our lifetime, the stress that many feel towards the purchase is extreme. But does it have to be? This three-part series talks about how to research your car-buying, how to have the best experience at a dealership, and how …
How to Buy a Car, Part 2: An Edge When it’s Time to Buy
Is there a more intimidating shopping experience than buying a car? Considering that most of us will buy a car in our lifetime, the stress that many feel towards the purchase is extreme. But does it have to be? This three-part series talks about how to research your car-buying, how to have the best experience at a dealership, and how …
Breaking My Leg While Working On My Master’s Thesis Taught Me That I Can Handle A Lot
I broke my leg really badly when I was in Spain doing my master’s program. I had to get surgery and now sport 7 screws and a plate in my leg. When I first started my recovery process, I only focused on two things: being able to walk again and finishing my master’s thesis. In the beginning, it was really …
Finding Significance Here and Now in Everyday Moments
How do you find a fulfilling, purposeful life? It’s a question many of us ask, but it takes a lot of trial and error to figure it out. Author Nate Nasralla has already done his fair share of navigating the ups and downs in life, and he joins Lynn and Amanda for our latest podcast. In our conversation, Nate shared …
How to Empower Yourself and Create Successful Financial Rewards
Here at Petite2Queen, we would like to think that women today are more proactive than ever when it comes to their finances. Understand long-term goals and investments. Plan for emergencies and eventualities like illness and death. Doing these things gives power and control to women over their lives. So, let’s talk about money! How many of you manage your own …
How to Buy a Car, Part 1: Research Is Your Friend
Is there a more intimidating shopping experience than buying a car? Considering that most of us will buy a car in our lifetime, the stress that many feel towards the purchase is extreme. But does it have to be? This three-part series talks about how to research your car-buying, how to have the best experience at a dealership, and how …
How We Chose The Best 25 Movies Highlighting Powerful Women Pt. 2
Last week, we talked about how we chose our favorite movies highlighting strong women. But there were so many, we had to make a part 2! Putting together this list was a lot of fun for us at Petite2Queen, and it took a lot of discussion. We considered characters strong in combat and women overcoming grief and depression. Some are …
How We Chose the Best 25 Movies Highlighting Powerful Women – Pt. 1
Last week, we told you which movies we think are the best at highlighting powerful women. Putting together this list was a lot of fun for us at Petite2Queen, and it took a lot of discussion. We considered characters strong in combat and women overcoming grief and depression. Some are leaders, but all stay true to their values. Strength comes …
How to Find Your Purpose & Passions in Life
How do you find your purpose and passions in life? It’s a question many of us grapple with, and it can take years to figure it all out. Luckily, there are some amazing people who have been through it, too, and they’re more than happy to share what they’ve learned along the way. In our latest podcast, Lynn and Amanda …
Home Sweet Home: How to Find the Right Home for You
Everyone has to live somewhere, and once you move out of your parents’ place or your tiny college dorm, finding your own home can be a thrilling adventure. Whether you’re looking for your first home or your tenth, there are always things to keep in mind before making your selection. What should you consider as you embark on your house …
How to Find the Right Home for You
Everyone has to live somewhere, and once you move out of your parents’ place or your tiny college dorm, finding your own home can be a thrilling adventure. Whether you’re looking for your first home or your tenth, there are always things to keep in mind before making your selection. What should you consider as you embark on your house …
Consider These Important Things When Adopting a New Pet
How often do you come across puppies and kittens up for adoption and think, “I want you!”? Most people love these furry little companions and will bring a pet into their lives as soon as they can. Once you’ve moved into an apartment that allows animals and you’re considering adopting a new pet, though, be sure to stop and consider …
How Pokémon Go Unexpectedly Helped My Daughter & Me Heal After Tragedy
For those of you who follow our podcasts and webinars, you are sure to have picked up that I play Pokémon Go. In fact, I’m a big fan and love the game. What you may not know is how and why I started playing. My motivations were and still are love, support, and connectivity. Loss In June of last year …
What is Self-Care & Why is it Important?
Do you know how to take care of yourself? We don’t mean just addressing your vital needs – how do you truly treat yourself? All of us need to practice self-care, but sometimes we just don’t know how or can’t fit it into our schedules. What are some of the best ways to exercise self-care? What do you need or …
Physical Tools of Liberation
What tools have been liberating for you as a woman? We’re not talking metaphorical tools, here… What have been your physical tools of liberation? Have you ever used a hammer or an electric drill? Have you ever built or fixed something on your own? While there’s the common trope of the “handyman” who can take care of his home with …
Consider These Tips Before Leaving The Nest
Moving out is a huge step in anyone’s life. How do you know when you’re ready? What should you do if you’re not? Once you’ve decided to rent your own home, there will be plenty of logistics to sort out and plan for. On top of this, how will you handle the emotional impact of leaving the nest? Whether you’re …
We All Make Bad Decisions. Why is it So Hard to Admit It?
We all make bad decisions from time to time. So why is it so hard to admit our faults and that we need to change course? Why do we sometimes think they have to live with those bad choices? As much as we all hate being wrong, avoid the urge to dig yourself a deeper hole. Here’s how you can …
Sentimental or Useless: When Should I Let Go of Old Things?
For many of us, letting go of old things is difficult. So many of us are pack rats, and we still treasure a lot of the things we hold onto. But do all of these things really hold sentimental value? How do you determine whether it’s worth keeping? How do you decide what’s truly special, and what’s actually useless to …
What are You Destined to Become?
Ralph Waldo Emerson famously said, “The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be.” It sounds so simple, yet it also means that who you become is up to you. It all depends on the choices you make each day. How realistic is this concept of self-determination? How does it play out in your …
Why to Always Choose and Practice Kindness
You know what your mother used to say: “If you can’t say anything nice, don’t say anything at all.” Unfortunately, so many of us forget this sentiment. And given the current social climate, kindness can feel even farther away than ever. How can you infuse your life with kindness, no matter where you go or who you’re with? How do …