Whether you work in sales or marketing, you probably recognize that these two pillars within any organization rely on each other. You can’t have one without the other, and it takes both to create and maintain a successful company. So you how can you ensure that sales and marketing are working together?
In our new webinar, Lynn Whitbeck and Tina Olson – both women with extensive backgrounds in sales – are joined by marketing executive Liz Jones. With their differing perspectives, the three of them dive into the close relationship between sales and marketing.
Why do you need both to work together? As described in the webinar, combining forces allows you to better understand your customers’ wants and needs, decrease the length of your sales cycle, and better respond to marketplace trends and innovation. It also leads to stronger, more consistent messaging.

Lynn, Tina, and Liz then share examples of some types of projects that are particularly well-suited to joint development. Things like competitive analysis and developing direct email campaigns thrive when marketing and sales team up.
It’s all about improving the sales process. But, as with any partnership, there are risks to watch out for. This webinar identifies risk factors to be cautious of.
So with that in mind, how do you ensure that sales and marketing have an effective relationship at your organization? It falls back on good company culture, strong leadership, open communication, and more.
Sales and marketing have common goals, and the two help each other. Are you ready to learn how to make them work together to win? Watch our webinar below:
Business Owners & Entrepreneurs hire Petite2Queen to ignite winning sales, because most fail to connect, capture, and close their ideal clients. So we help sell with intent for maximum impact, influence, and income.
Bottom line: Sales, love it or hate it, you won’t survive without it.