How to Attain the Life You Desire, Because It's Real and Waiting - Piper Lauri Salogga

How to Attain the Life You Desire, Because It’s Real and Waiting

We all have desires, but turning our dreams into reality can be tricky. It’s something nearly all of us have faced, and something our guest, Piper Lauri Salogga, has worked to understand. In our latest podcast, we learn how the life you desire is real and waiting… and how you can finally get there.

Piper is the founder of Beauty of Being Human, which offers coaching and classes on how to embrace your whole self – the beauty and the bumps. She’s also the author of Living From the Heart: Divine & Profane: A Memoire in Poetry and Prose.

In our new interview with Piper, we start by defining what desire is. Where does it come from? Piper also explains the difference between your heart’s desire and your ego’s need, and how you can differentiate between the two.

Piper - Life You Desire

And to everyone who’s had a desire – perhaps for a long time – but has never seen it fulfilled… why isn’t it coming true? What can you do to change course and see your dreams become a reality?

Piper describes the relationship between desire and expectation, or desire and guilt. We then learn about the Law of Attraction and how each of us is a magnetic force. Finally, Piper shares an analogy she calls the Kids Birthday Party and the Universe. This anecdote could serve as a fable, because its lesson rings true even in our adult lives.

The whole conversation with Piper is illuminating, and her wisdom will help you on the path towards finally realizing your dreams.

Are you ready to attain the life you desire? Listen to our full podcast interview with Piper Lauri Salogga below!

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