What is Your Relational Capital and Why Does it Matter?

What is Your Relational Capital and Why Does it Matter?

How we communicate is everything. Sales professionals must know how to make people feel seen, heard, and valued. Not valued as in a potential commission check – valued as a person. By demonstrating your worthy intent through verbal and nonverbal cues, you build relational capital that will boon your career success. In this episode of Get More Clients, Superstar Sales …

Why Your Worthy Intent Builds Strong Lasting Relationships

Why Your Worthy Intent Builds Strong Lasting Relationships

Intentions matter, and good intentions always prevail. We at Petite2Queen are against sleazy, scammy sales techniques. We believe that sales relationships are true partnerships, and sales professionals’ role is to help clients and customers get solutions to their problems. This is called “worthy intent.” In today’s episode of Get More Clients, Superstar Sales Consultant Lynn Whitbeck tells you why approaching …