Many job applications require me to include links to my social media profiles, including Facebook and Twitter. I’m not very active on either one anymore. What are they looking for on there, and should I start posting more often, or more of a certain kind of content? Should I be worried about them seeing my wedding photos or political articles …
Know Your Worth: How to Value Yourself in Job Market
To get the job you deserve, you have to know your worth. You know what your skills are, you know what your education is, and you know where your strengths lie. Your resume should already reflect all of this, but sit down and make a list of all of the things you’ve accomplished and what you’re good at doing. Don’t …
Keeping Up Hope When Job Prospects Don’t Work Out
Today’s generation faces a tougher job market than any in recent history. Many young women – even those with advanced degrees – are enduring what feels like an endless loop of job applications and interviews. With no clear end in sight, it’s easy to get discouraged. After repeatedly getting rejected for job prospects, how do you keep your hopes up? …