What do death, emotions, and the environment have in common? If you guessed “organization,” you’re right! Do you know where your advanced directive, will, and death plan are? How can you organize your emotions while organizing your home? And as you’re putting everything in its place, how can you make sure that you’re being kind to the planet? We talked …
How to Help Mom Make Decisions After Dad’s Death
My mom is struggling to make decisions since my father died. Do I make the decisions for her, or should I focus on giving her emotional support? – Ricki in Kirkland, Washington Answer: Lynn: Ricki, I am going through the same situation right now, so I totally get your dilemma. In my case, it may be a bit easier as …
How Pokémon Go Unexpectedly Helped My Daughter & Me Heal After Tragedy
For those of you who follow our podcasts and webinars, you are sure to have picked up that I play Pokémon Go. In fact, I’m a big fan and love the game. What you may not know is how and why I started playing. My motivations were and still are love, support, and connectivity. Loss In June of last year …