Is the sales letter dead? My manager is old-school and wants me to send out letters snail mail to my prospects. Your thoughts? – Debbie in Boston, MA
When creating your sales strategy optimization plan, an old tactic not only continues to out-perform, but draws attention with retro chic. The sales letter is alive and well, and it is an effective communication tool when used properly. Moreover, with the barrage of electronic communication, the sales letter creates an immediate impact by often arriving as the lone piece of mail to be opened directly to your prospect’s desk.
Unique Tactic
Sales letters delivered via mail have become rare. Receiving one, while not novel, is now a marvel, like a gift you get to open to discover what’s inside. An intentionally designed and personalized sales letter will set you apart. You have called attention to yourself, your product or service, and your organization. It’s a factor of differentiation when well-written.
Key aspects to reap the advantages of the sales letter have been touched upon. Criteria to successfully leverage this tactic include it being purposely designed, tailored to the specific client, relevant, clear, concise, and written with careful attention. If it looks like a form letter – dull and boring – it’s likely to be tossed upon first glance and the opportunity squandered.

What to Include
Answer the client “why.” From the client’s perspective, succinctly explain how your product or service will deliver the desired outcomes, goals, or objectives.
Be brief – get to the point. Your prospect should be able to read your letter at a glance and be gripped by the message.
Include a decisive call to action and a follow-up commitment from yourself. Ensure that your act upon the promise exactly as stated in the letter.
Add a personal touch. Always include a hand-written inscription to demonstrate your care and attention to their needs.
Anthony Parinello, in Selling To Vito, recommends a specific format for the sales letter. These include a value-added statement at the top, focus on measurable results, and specific time references. He has two chapters dedicated to the art of the sales letter. It’s a great resource with practical exercises to get your creative juices flowing.
With targeted content and relevant matter, a sales letter is always welcomed. It’s a personalized touch in a world filled with bits and bytes. It belongs in every strategic sales plan as an increasingly uncommon method to break through the noise to attract your customer’s notice. A well-written sales letter is a core element in a myriad of methods to deliver fresh, resonant content.
Lynn Whitbeck is the co-founder and President of Petite2Queen. She is focused on identifying and evaluating opportunities for women at work, helping them define their personal roadmap. She dedicates herself to delivering tools and insights, embracing visualization of the big picture, and identifying and implementing the minutiae of detail. Lynn aims to share lessons learned along her journey and enable positive uplift for women.