How to Eliminate Non-Selling Tasks to Unlock More Rewards

How to Eliminate Non-Selling Tasks to Unlock More Rewards

There are far too many non-selling tasks at my firm. I’m working all kinds of extra hours to complete these tasks. How do I get out from under this and back to selling? – Priya in Dartmouth, Nova Scotia


Priya, this is a loaded question, and on first glance, it appears difficult to answer. Without knowledge of your firm, processes, and the specific non-selling tasks you are required to perform, it’s impossible to see through the shroud of mystery. However, there are other ways to seek answers with an open dialogue focused on a rapid improvement process.

Invest an hour to map out your process, with each task noted within the process. It is super easy to do this with a blank wall and stickie notes. I recommend using multiple colors of stickie notes to represent the type of tasks or steps within the process. It’s fast and effective. Add a colleague or two and make it a working lunch. You’ll capture every step and task while enjoying camaraderie.

Look for ways to streamline or simplify the process. Brainstorm and consider all options. With several team members, each of you will have a different approach and focus. Ask why. Why do you have this step? Why do you do it this way? How could it be simplified? Ask the same questions over again and dig deep to find the root reasoning. This process creates and atmosphere where everyone opens their mind and tilts their paradigm to find breakthrough solutions.

Now you are ready to bring in your boss. Share your enthusiasm to grow your sales and deliver more revenue to the firm. Ask for her/his input on your ideas to improve the process. How would they approach? Where do they see the biggest value to gain momentum and boost sales? Focus on the opportunity and goal to provide bottom line growth.

Priya, this would make an outstanding sales meeting. Share my suggestion. Every manager worth their salt is actively interested in continuous process improvement and looking to increase revenue while controlling costs. This rapid improvement process is a win-win for the entire organization. Soon you’ll be energized and back to focusing on selling.


Practical Wisdoms @ Work, Chapter 5: “Time Management”

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