
Are You a Workaholic? Or Just a Hard Worker?

Are you working hard… or working too much? In a society that encourages long hours and dedication to your career, it can be hard to know when you’ve crossed the line between ambitious employee and workaholic. While the former suggests goal-driven hard work in the name of career success, the latter is an unhealthy addiction to work. A workaholic is …


The “Entry-Level” Catch-22 That Plagues New Workers

Since childhood, many have wondered, “Which came first, the chicken or the egg?” Nowadays, a more pertinent question young workers often find themselves asking goes more like, “Which comes first, the job or the experience?” Indeed, many recent graduates are stuck in an uncomfortable position, unable to get an entry-level job because they don’t have enough qualifying experience… yet unable …

Bridging Generational Gap in Communication Styles

Bridging the Generational Gap in Communication Styles

Our workforce today is as diverse culturally as it is in the ages of workers. With millennials, boomers, Gen-X, and Gen-Z doing business side by side, it’s natural for there to be some generational clashes. One of the biggest clashes is in our divergent communication styles. From written notes to verbal interactions, there are always tons of differences and misunderstandings. Do …