Becoming a parent can be a glorious life change. You have a precious child to nurture and love as they grow into themselves, and it can be a magical and joyous journey. However, many parents face a secret dark side, hiding feelings of guilt and unhappiness. If you feel this way, know that you are not alone. Also know that …
How to Reenter the Workforce as a New Mom
Reentering the workforce after recently becoming a mom can seem like a monumental task—especially when the job market is competitive. Adjusting to the new challenges of motherhood on its own is a huge change, and it’s easy to get overwhelmed when it’s time to begin a job search in earnest. However, there are some concrete steps you can take to …
Motherly Advice: The Best Lessons Mom Ever Taught Us
Mother’s Day is almost here, and why not celebrate the holiday by reflecting on how your mom has shaped you? You know what they say: “Mother knows best.” Generally speaking, that’s true! What advice has your mommy shared with you over the years? What motherly advice made a difference in your life? Here at Petite2Queen, we love our moms! Here …
5 Things to do Now to Rekindle Your Relationship with Mom
In the last few years since I moved out, I feel like my relationship with my mother has become strained. We don’t talk like we used to, and it feels like I’m always the one reaching out to her. I miss how close we used to be. How can we rekindle our relationship? – Louise in Calgary, Alberta Answer: Our …