My mom is struggling to make decisions since my father died. Do I make the decisions for her, or should I focus on giving her emotional support? – Ricki in Kirkland, Washington Answer: Lynn: Ricki, I am going through the same situation right now, so I totally get your dilemma. In my case, it may be a bit easier as …
We All Make Bad Decisions. Why is it So Hard to Admit It?
We all make bad decisions from time to time. So why is it so hard to admit our faults and that we need to change course? Why do we sometimes think they have to live with those bad choices? As much as we all hate being wrong, avoid the urge to dig yourself a deeper hole. Here’s how you can …
How Decisions & Values Impact Each Other
Roy Disney once said, “It is not hard to make decisions when you know what your values are.” How much do you agree with this statement? It may depend on how well one knows their own values. But what about gray areas? Some things are more subjective. Sometimes we need to reevaluate our own values. How does that impact our …